TECH main core is a 8-bits CPU CMOS UPD78312 manages 16 voices polyphony - relative DAC is a Burr-Brown model HP54HP. LA synthesis WG Wave Generator is a mix of 2 syntheses:
- 2 Digitally generated basic waveforms sawtooth & square wave, a kind of primitive VA
- PCM wavetable
minimal part is the PARTIAL composed by 2 UPPER tones + 2 LOWER tones then 4 combined tones make a PATCH; TONE has value for relation between both partials and each partial is like an oscillator with various synthesis chain elements.
WG (voice) + TVF (filter) + TVA (amplitude) |
WAVE GENERATOR is a 128 kb ROM (at IC29-30) PCM wavetable + a digital waveform generator. In total there are 101 sound waves available:
- 47 Transient PCM acoustic
- 29 Transient PCM spectral loops
- 23 Transient PCM normal loops
2 digitally generated sawtooth and square wave |
ALGORITHMS the WG combines partial synthesis elements with a digital ring modulator in 7 possible pathways or algorithms: (p= pcm sample / s= digitally generated wave)
P.1 |
P.2 |
2 partials Combination |
diagram |
1 |
S |
S |
mix partial 1-2 |
2 |
S |
S |
mix partial 1 + Ring modulator |
3 |
P |
S |
mix partial 1-2 |
4 |
P |
S |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
5 |
S |
P |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
6 |
P |
P |
mix partial 1-2 |
7 |
P |
P |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
PERFORMANCE parameter CHASE is a delay mode between the tones with 3 directions modes:
- Upper -> Lower
- Upper -> Lower -> Lower
- Upper ->Lower -> Upper
PATCH can be played also with a legato with variable portamento time. |
FILTER structure is based on the TVF -time variant filter- which is a digital 4-poles resonant lowpass filter.
TECH filter has a restriction: TVF does not act on a PCM element, later possible on V-synth D50 emulation.
Hear Filter assigned to aftertouch |
LFO 3 delayed modulators (shapes: saw, triangle, random and square) and 3 destinations:
- LFO to amplitude
- LFO to pulse width
- LFO to filter cutoff
Hear LFo |
ENVELOPE 2 main EGs:
- EG1 amplitude : 5 segments + 5 times
- EG2 filter : 5 segments + 5 times.
All partials have their own EG for both amplitude + filter, for a total of 4 TVF EGs and 4 TVA EGs.
EFFECTS 2 dedicaed chips (87136+87137) handles 32 reverbs echoes + 7 chorus modulations + 1 simple serial -12 dB EQ with HIGH settings boost (250 Hz) or a LOW boost (63 Hz) + Q-emphasis.
Effect can be balanced with dry / wet parameter to different tones in 3 modes:
- mono tones with stereo reverb
- stereo tones with stereo reverb
- stereo Tones with reverb to upper or lower tone.
Hear Reverb delay |
MIDI quite basic but full MIDI exclusives is implemented with full support of edit and data dump.
MAINTENANCE the D-50 usually suffers from dead key contacts: get q-tips and cleaning solution to wash both contacts and strips and pay attention to remove also possible cotton debris. Aftertouch is more critical and may need more attention to fix the sensors.
64 RAM internal patches
RAM is doubled if using cards m-256E or m-256D.
Battery replacement: a CR-2032 lithium battery in holder.
- click for bigger pic comparison - |
EDITOR many computer-based softwares are available:
D50 librarian (PC donationware) PIC
Soundquest (MAC/PC $$)
- EMC D50 editor manager (Atari ST) PIC
- Roland D50 parameter editor (Commodore Amiga) PIC
DR.T editor (Atari ST)
- Synth works (Atari ST) PIC
- D50 manager (Atari ST) PIC
- D50v (VST editor) PIC
- coffeeshopped (IOS editor) PIC |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: