TECH main core is a 8-bits CPU CMOS UPD78312 manages 16 voices polyphony - relative DAC is a Burr-Brown model HP54HP. LA synthesis WG Wave Generator is a mix of 2 syntheses:
- 2 Digitally generated basic waveforms sawtooth & square wave, a kind of primitive VA
- PCM wavetable
minimal part is the PARTIAL composed by 2 UPPER tones + 2 LOWER tones then 4 combined tones make a PATCH; TONE has value for relation between both partials and each partial is like an oscillator with various synthesis chain elements.
WG (voice) + TVF (filter) + TVA (amplitude) |
WAVE GENERATOR is a 128 kb ROM (at IC29-30) PCM wavetable + a digital waveform generator. In total there are 101 sound waves available:
- 47 Transient PCM acoustic
- 29 Transient PCM spectral loops
- 23 Transient PCM normal loops
2 digitally generated sawtooth and square wave |
ALGORITHMS the WG combines partial synthesis elements with a digital ring modulator in 7 possible pathways or algorithms: (p= pcm sample / s= digitally generated wave)
P.1 |
P.2 |
2 partials Combination |
diagram |
1 |
S |
S |
mix partial 1-2 |
2 |
S |
S |
mix partial 1 + Ring modulator |
3 |
P |
S |
mix partial 1-2 |
4 |
P |
S |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
5 |
S |
P |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
6 |
P |
P |
mix partial 1-2 |
7 |
P |
P |
mix partial 1 + ring modulator |
PERFORMANCE parameter CHASE is a delay mode between the tones with 3 directions modes:
- Upper -> Lower
- Upper -> Lower -> Lower
- Upper -> Lower -> Upper
PATCH can be played also with a legato with variable portamento time. |
FILTER structure is based on the TVF -time variant filter- which is a digital 4-poles resonant lowpass filter.
TECH filter has a restriction: TVF does not act on a PCM element, later possible on V-synth D50 emulation.
Hear Filter assigned to aftertouch |
LFO 3 delayed modulators (shapes: saw, triangle, random and square) and 3 destinations:
- LFO to amplitude
- LFO to pulse width
- LFO to filter cutoff
Hear LFo |
ENVELOPE 2 main EGs, all partials have their own EG for both amplitude + filter, for a total of 4 TVF EGs and 4 TVA EGs:
- EG1 amplitude : 5 segments + 5 times
- EG2 filter : 5 segments + 5 times.
EFFECTS 2 dedicaed chips (87136+87137) handles 32 reverbs echoes + 7 chorus modulations + 1 simple serial -12 dB EQ with HIGH settings boost (250 Hz) or a LOW boost (63 Hz) + Q-emphasis.
Effect can be balanced with dry / wet parameter to different tones in 3 modes:
- mono tones with stereo reverb
- stereo tones with stereo reverb
- stereo Tones with reverb to upper or lower tone.
Hear Reverb delay |
MIDI quite basic but full MIDI exclusives is implemented with full support of edit and data dump.
MAINTENANCE after many year the display inverter usually fails resulting the LCD dark-grey; now there are some backlight replacement.

64 RAM internal patches
RAM is doubled if using cards m-256E or m-256D.
Battery replacement: a CR-2032 lithium battery in holder.
LEFT - Two different D550 boards, on the left an early version 1.0 with MKS550 script, not appearing the other, some PCM IC are piggybacked.
- click for bigger pic comparison - |
OS eprom, lastest is V.1.02
Related MODELS:
EDITOR many computer-based softwares are available:
D50 librarian (PC donationware) PIC
Soundquest (MAC/PC $$)
- EMC D50 editor manager (Atari ST) PIC
- Roland D50 parameter editor (Commodore Amiga) PIC
DR.T editor (Atari ST)
- Synth works (Atari ST) PIC
- D50 manager (Atari ST) PIC
- D50v (VST editor) PIC
- coffeeshopped (IOS editor) PIC |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there is no OFFICIAL D550 VST PLUGIN for computer, but some free and commercial samples set: