VOICE main core based on a Motorola MC68000 manages up to 32 channels polyphony with six 16 bits PCM56P DAC. A voice is composed by 2 PCM elements samples "primary" and "secondary" with some edit parameters:
pitch tuning (fine and coarse)
- keyzone assignment
- start delay
- stereo panning
mix level
- reverse playback
- chorus mode (thicks voice) |
WAVETABLE internal 4Mb ROM (8 X rom ICs) 125 PCM waves at 39 kHz / 16 bits resolution.
PCM wavetable contains all kind of sounds samples e.g: piano, string, sax, trumpet, brass, guitar, bass, organs, drums, percussions and basic waveforms (digital, square, harmonics, short-cycled).
HEAR piano |
EXPANSION some different upgrades were available:
- XR: extra RAM adds 192 new slots
- Plus Orchetral extra rom adds 4 MB of orchestral sounds (same found on PROTEUS 2 module)
Invision Protologic third part board with 4MB extra ROM.
- LEFT -
invision protologic quite rare.
any more info?
write us !
HEAR orchestral SOUND XP
PERFORMANCE up to 16 parts with some special functions:
- solo monophonic mode (for OSC1/OSC2/BOTH)
- crossfade balance between primary and secondary
- pitchbend range (+/- 1 OCT)
3 footswitch assignable controls (eg: sustain, portamento, hold...)
- key velocity control
- scale tuning 5 presets (equal, vallotti, just C, 19 tone, gamelan) + 1 user free.
HEAR 2 patch layer
LFO a single oscillator (4 shapes: triangle, saw, sinewave and square) for each layer.
Main modulation destinations are:
LFO 1 amplitude
LFO 2 pitch
Modulation can be assigned also to the matrix modulation
MIDI MATRIX: classic fuction routing by EMU, well-known to samplers. Here's a sum-up:
- Velocity
- Key Number
- Trigger Tempo (Rate)
- assignable MIDI A
- assignable MIDI B
- assignable MIDI C
- assignable MIDI D
- Pressure
- Pitch Wheel
- Pitch
- Accent
- Attack
- Hold
- Decay
- Pitch Env. Amount /decay
- Panning
- Tone
- Sample Start
- LFO Rate / Amount
ENVELOPE there are 3 EGS with structure : 4 segments + 2 times, called DAHDSR which standas for: Delay, Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, and Release. In addition 4 preset velocity curves.
- EG primary sample amplitude
- EG secondary sample amplitude
- AUX (assignable) EG can be assigned to the matrix control
TIP: Special "Alternate" mode plays the EG forward and then Backward. |
MIDI full sysex commands and some basic CC controls including: panning, modulation and 4 assignable controllers ABCD (see "matrix" below).
128 ROM patches
64 RAM slots
Sounds can be saved only using Midi sysex, no external medias.
Battery replacement: soldered Lithium BR2-3 3V battery (see picture below)
LEFT - Battery replacemen: soldered lithium battery 3V model BR2/3a.
- Click to Enlarge pic -
- DISPLAY dead dark zones on the display like stain
ENCODER: after some times the encoder may go random just clean it with Q-tip and dedicated liquid product.
I attempted to mod it with a circuit bending, but no great results, some exemple audio clips in the DEMO section

VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: