TECH main core based on a Motorola MC68000 manages up to 32 channels polyphony.
A MPS voice is composed by 2 elements samples "primary" + "secondary" with some edit parameters:
pitch tuning (fine and coarse)
- keyzone assignments
- start delay
- stereo panning
mix level
- reverse playback
- chorus mode (it fats voice up) |
WAVETABLE internal 4Mb ROM - 125 PCM waves at 39 kHz / 16 bits resolution.
PCM wavetable contains all kind of sounds samples including: piano, string, sax, trumpet, brass, guitar, bass, organs, drums, percussions and basic waveforms (e.g digital, square, harmonics, short-cycled).
HEAR piano |
EXPANSION some different upgrades were available:
- Plus extra rom adds 4 MB of orchestral sounds (same found on PROTEUS 2 module)
HEAR orchestra board |
PERFORMANCE multitimbric system up to 16 parts some special functions:
- solo monophonic mode (for: OSC1/OSC2/BOTH)
- crossfade balance between primary and secondary
- pitchbend range (+/- 1 OCT)
3 footswitch assignable controls (eg: sustain, portamento, hold...)
- key velocity control
- FX amount
- Keyboard Split zone+4 preset velocity curves
- Quickeys function: enable a special 4 patches setup recall with zone assignment
HEAR performance drum + bass
LFO 2 delayed modulators (shapes: sin, triangle, saw, square and random) for pitch with variable amount and random fluctuation.

ENVELOPE 3 EGS 4 segments + 2 times called DAHDSR which stands for Delay, Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, and Release.
- EG1 primary sample amplitude
- EG2 secondary sample amplitude
- EG3 AUX (assignable) EG can be assigned to the matrix control.
TIP: Special "Alternate" mode plays the EG forward and then Backward.
EFFECT unlike the previous rackmount, MPS features a double DSP engine for effects A/B:
A- REVERBS delay, reverb (plate, chamber, hall, warm), stereo chorus, EQ, echo.
B - VARIOUS: flanger, chorus, phaser, fuzz, ring modulator, cross delay, EQ.
MIDI full sysex commands and some basic CC controls including: panning, modulation and 4 assignable controllers ABCD (see "matrix" below).
TECH: for some (stupid reasons) the MPS is not fully compatible with Proteus 1 patche for different bank strucure 1-100 vs 1-127.
MATRIX the "real-time control" allows some special modulation routings:
Sources: |
destinations: |
modulation wheel
Midi Control A/B/C/D
key pressure
key note
Pitch osc1/osc2/both
volume osc1/osc2/both
all EG segments osc1/osc2/both
LFO 1 amount /rate
LFO 2 amount /rate
panning osc1/osc2/both
sample start osc1/osc2/both |
100 ROM patches
100 RAM slots.
RAM 256 KB S-RAM doubled if memory card fitted.
Sounds can be saved only using Midi sysex, no external medias.

UPPER - Battery replacement soldered Lithium BR2-3 3V
PSU here's the description + pinout in case you miss the original one - AT YOUR OWN RISK! - kindly provided by Fred Verdoorn (thanks):
Th MPS PSU has a 3 pin mini-din connector and needs 2 x 9V AC from a transformer of 1,5 Amp. As follows:
- left pin <> middle pin 9 V
- right pin <> middle pin 9 V
- left pin <> right pin 0 (zero) V.
For this you need an AC 115 (or 230) V to a 2 x 9 V AC transformer , 1,5 Amp (connect two of the four pins on the trafo, so you have 3 pins out). (May be an AC 115 [or 230]) to AC 18V CT (center tapped) transformer will do the same job , but you get 18V on the left pin <> right pin of the din connector. I didn't try this out)"
PROTEUS 1 more or less the rackmount version without FX DSP |
PROTOZOA ROM expansion rom board includes all waves from Proteus 1/2/3 for 2k and 1k machine, including: proteus 2000, B3, XL-1, Orbit 3, Virtuoso and more. |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set:
EDITOR some computer-based editors:
- Jsynthlib (free)
- Midi QUEST (commercial)