VOICE CPU is a HD63803XP Hitachi which manages 8 voices - DAC is based on a IC YM3012. The DX21 IC chip YM2164 features 4 OP + 8 combinations called "algorithms"; previous DX7 synthesis is based on more advanced 6 OP system + 32 combinations algorithms.

are 4 sinewave operators organized as algorithms, assigned as carrier
or modulator, linked between them on different
pathways interacting on their harmonic contents depending on the
variable feedback strength.
- carrier defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents.
ALGORITHMS Dx21 features 8 combinations algorithms with frequency ratio or fixed frequency: the output is fed back to its input with 7 feedback levels , as general rule, high values feedback results in richer harmonic contents.

PERFORMANCE system some special performance play:
- poly / mono mode
- portamento set with time
- pitch bender range
- mode wheel r range
- breath controller setting (destination / range)
- dual / split mode: two sounds can be layered (only one from bank A and the other from B) with a detune ratio - the BALANCE sliders adjusts the volume between the 2 sounds. Note that LFO from patch 1 rules on second one.

LFO there are 2 delayed modulators (frequency range from 0.007 Hz to 50 Hz):
- LFO1 amplitude
LFO2 pitch.
Both modulators can be set to retrigger mode and feature 4 shapes: saw, square, triangle and sample & hold.

ENVELOPE 4 EGs: each OP features 1 amplitude EG (4-segments) + 1 general shift. Very simple Key tracking scale less sophisticated than previous DX line.

EFFECT internal analog chorus based on a single Panasonic BBD IC MN3209 with no control but ON OFF- pseudo stereo gives a nice warmth to the sound.

- 32 RAM patches (bank A + bank B)
- 128 ROM (must be loaded by 16 groups or individually).
Sounds can be saved to either Sysex dump or magnetic tape.
Battery replacement: a 3V cr2032 soldered to main board - you have to open the machine, the first board on upper right side is the right one.

EDITOR there are many computer-based editors:
- Ctrlr (free)
Midiquest ($$)
- noize ($$)
- FOUR FM (free MAC)
VSTizer ($$)
- Atari: YSEDITOR , Steinberg synthwork (PIC) , caged 4 OP artist.
- DX21
editor (IOS) pic below

Also: - YS-100 is a YS200 minus sequencer
- TQ-5 is a laptop version
- B-200 with internal speakers
- Korg Z3 Guitar Synthesizer.
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there is no official VST emulation, however here's some FM emulator (6 or 4 OP)
* check out Lately bass dedicated page