TECH CPU HD63803XP Hitachi manages 8 voices polyphony- DAC is based on a IC YM3012. Main IC chip YM2414B features 4 OP + 8 combinations - unlike DX7 synthesis based on a 6 operators system with just pure sinewave and 32 combinations algorithms.
Internal ROM contains a stored digital half sinewave on a lookup table that can be read in different way and speed, creating 7 harmonics sinewaves variations with partials overtones and fundamentals fixed settings.
are 4 sinewave operators - OP - organized as algorithms, assigned as either carrier
or modulator, linked between them on different
pathways interacting on their harmonic contents depending on the
varable feedback strength.
- carrier defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents. |
ALGORITHM Tx81Z features several OP signalpaths combinations with frequency ratio or fixed frequency: the output is fed back to its input with 7 feedback levels, as general rule, high values feedback results in richer harmonic contents. NOTE: the processor design reveals some limits and cannot layer some particular algorithm combinations.
- carrier defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents. |
PERFORMANCE the FM voices can be assigned to 8 parts each with independent settings:
- analog mix level
Midi channel assign
- effect amount
- panning position
- stack mode Eg: 4 voices or 8 monophonic
- portamento with glide time
- analog out assignment. |

LFO there are 2 delayed and retriggerable modulators (shapes: sawtooth, square, triangle and sample & hold, frequency range from 0.007 Hz to 50 Hz). LFO DESTINATIONS are :
- LFO1 to amplitude
LFO2 to pitch
LISTEN all LFO shapes
ENVELOPE 4 EGs: each OP features 1 amplitude EG (4-segments) + 1 general shift.
Very simple Key tracking scale less sophisticated than previous DX line.
EFFECTS not a real DSP but 3 faked simulated by a Midi notes trick reducing polyphony.
- pan moving: stereophonic path with follow velocity or LFO from left to right or vice versa
- chords mode: handles up to 4 notes
- delay: with possible pitch shift and adjustable feedback
- 128 ROM patches (preset list)
32 RAM patches
24 RAM performances
- 2 RAM microtuning tables
for non-standard intonation
- 11 ROM microtuning preset e.g Equal, pure, major-minor, Vallotti and Werckmeister.
STORAGE No external storage but full Sysex dump and edit by Midi or tape dump; note that MIDI Sysex strings are NOT compatible with 6OP DX line.
LEFT - BATTERY REPLACEMENT is quite easy but involves soldering a new lithium 3V CR-2032 on the mainboard( main motherboard
- click to enlarge pic - |
OS Midi response has some freezes with data flows (depends also on the OS EPROM official from 1.0 to 1.6).
EDITOR there are many computer-based editors:
- Ctrlr (PC free) PIC
Midiquest (PC $$) PIC
noize (PC$$) PIC
TX81Z Programmer ($$) PIC
- Steinberg synthwork (ATARI ST) PIC
- Atari: caged 4 OP artist (ATARI ST) PIC
- MAX MSP yamaha tx81z editor PIC
VSTizer TX81Z (PC $$)
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION no official VST emulation, but some FM emulator: