TECH cpu HD63A03XP (part of 6303 family) manages 16 voices polyphony based on FM synthesis.
Basically hardware is the same as the DX7 version with some minor logical differences e.g sub 6805 no more present as there is obviously no more keyboard scan function. |
FM SYNTHESIS IC YM2128 (same found on Tx816, DX5) generates 6 sinewave digital oscillators operators (or OP) organized as algorithms, assigned as carrier
or modulator linked between them on different
pathways interacting on their harmonic contents depending on the
varable feedback strength.
- carrier: defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator: sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents. |
ALGORITHMS modules features 32 signal paths with frequency ratio or fixed frequency.
The output is fed back to its input with 7 different levels feedback, as rule of thumb: high values feedback results in richer harmonic contents.

LFO up to 2 digital modulators (shapes: sine, triangle, saw up/down, square and sample & hold) with adjustable start delay and sync retrigger.
- LFO PMD modulates pitch
- LFO AMD processes the amplitude
ENVELOPE the IC YM2819 (also on DX7, DX5...) generates 7 envelopes:
- 1 EG pitch: 4-segments structure + 4 time levels.
1 EG for each operators: 4-segments structure + 4 time level
The Scaling Level is a very precise key follower with 4 linear / exponential curves.
PERFORMANCES TX-7 some special functions:
- wheel amount control
- aftertouch amount
- foot control amount
- breath control amount
- Midi channel assign
- mono or poly mode
- pitchbender range amount
- volume gain mix
- portamento amount
-DX7 COMBO MODE The TX7 is basically a polyphony expander for DX7 and many functions are accessible only using the original keyboard. The performance mode team-up with the dx7 and a special set of sounds is provided for both TX7 / DX7.
32 patches
32 performances
Unlike Dx7 there is no cartridge slot
but tape interface is present for storage.
RAM system works with a 3V Cr-2032 lithium battery soldered to the mainboard
(click to enlarge) |
EDIT you just cannot edit all parameters on the screen as the TX needs the original DX-7 keyboard for this task. A cheaper way are the computer programmers:
Atari ST : Dx-android, Dx expert or caged ST
PC-based: Soundiver, Midiquest, DX-manager, Synlib,
CTRLR: free (pic below) and others
MSX: YRM 103 -102 cartridge Voicing program / YRM304
IOS: Yamaha DX7/TX7/TX816 Editor.

: DX7 -TX802 -Sy99 -Tx816 -DX200 - DX5
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: