STRUCTURE the machine based on CPU HD6413002FP16 which handles 2 syntheses + special noise generator with 16 contents variations but no control.
- PCM AWM2 samples: 32 voices polyphony
- FM synthesis digital
process: 16 voices
AWM2 SYNTHESIS the YMP706-F (also FILTER) manages internal 8 MB ROM wavetable which contains 120 PCM drums, noises and various percussions sampled at 16 bits.
PERFORMANCE the machine is multitimbral and manages 1FM part + 3 AWM parts.
Special synth FM playmodes:
- full polyphonic
twin mode with possible stack voices (also full unison and monophonic play with portamento)
- random pitch play.
2 special scenes functions: each scene has a sound in memory and then the adjacent pot morphs a sounds toward the other one, interpolating intermediate values.
FM SYNTHESIS DX200 is a modern version of the classic cult FM synth Yamaha DX7 taking main characteristics plus some very good extra. Like its ancestor, the dx200 generates 6 sinewave digital oscillators operators (or OP) organized as algorithms, assigned as carrier
or modulator linked between them on different
pathways interacting on their harmonic contents depending on the
varable feedback strength.
- carrier: defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator: sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents. |
ALGORITHMS DX200 features 32 algorithms with frequency ratio or fixed frequency.
The output is fed back to its input with 7 different levels feedback, as rule of thumb: high values feedback results in richer harmonic contents.
FILTER compared to traditional DX series, the Dx200 adds a digital resonant filter multimode -12/ 18/ 24 dB/ oct slopes and 4 modes. Key Track setting determines the key tracking of the VCF, changing the cutoff point in accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.
- LPF lowpass
- HPF highpass
- BPF bandpass
- BEF band eliminate. |
LFO a single delayed modulatorswith sync retrigger, and 3 destinations:
- PMD modulates pitch
- AMD processes the amplitude
- FMD Filter cutoff
LFO shapes: sine, triangle, saw up/down, square and sample & hold.
ENVELOPE up to 9 EGs:
1 EG for each operators: 4-segments + 4 time levels
- 1 EG pitch: 4-segments structure + 4 time levels
- FEG filter: 4 segments ADSR
- AEG amplitude: 4 segments ADSR is a global EG for the whole amplitude (master). |
EFFECTS a digital DSP with delay, reverb, flanger, chorus, phaser and overdrive.
DX 200 synthesis features an extra distortion section that adds fuzziness using 3 models: stack, combo, tube + a final stage EQ
SEQUENCER up to 4 tracks with Optimized live functions as backward play, half or double tempo, roll flame, humanize- quantizes, mute track, global gate and transpose sequence. Special FREE VOICE EG records up to 4 tracks recorder for knobs movement with a single parameter per track.
1 X for synthesis
3 X for drums
SYNC Internal tempo range from 20 to 300 BPM or sync to external Midi clock (LFO can also be synched).
HEAR sync sequence
256 preset recording patterns
128 user patterns
10 songs
DX-200 can load straight DX7 exclusives patch and banks.
EDIT display is quite basic andpanel lacks some parameters from original DX synthesis, only accessible by a free computer-based editor "DX200 editor" still available on the official Yamaha website.

REPAIR the most common issue is the encoder that "jumps" values, same troubles as sampler A3000/4000/5000: the machine must be disassemble and encoder should be cleaned, not so difficult but I had to to this a couple of times - irritating.
DX200 dirty encoder can be a pain, but operation is quite easy - -Click to magnify -

AN200 from same "loop factory" series. Quite same machine but based on AN modeling synthesis which was originally implemented on synthesizer model AN1X.
DX7 classic synth, spiritual "father" of FM . |
Card PLG150-DX is the main DX-200 "motor". A modern remake of classic DX7 Mk2 that can be fitted in various Yamaha keyboards with Plugin-board technology (including CS6X, motif , S80, Mu1000 ...) |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: