SOUND the machine based on CPU HD6413002FP16 handles 2 syntheses:
1- VA APM subtractive: virtual analog
generates 5 VA voices
AWM2 samples: 32 sample voices.

APM SYNTHESIS the virtual AN synthesis is slightly different from the previous model AN1X but still keep 2 VCO structure + white noise. FM APM frequency modulation can be applied to the VCO1 to change its frequency, in which case the output of the oscillator will become the carrier.
VCO1 is modulated by VCO2 following 4 algorithms with variable FM depth:
1- only FM
2- sync + FM both: sync mode FM applied to master and slave oscillator
sync + FM master: sync mode FM applied to master oscillator
4- sync + FM slave: sync mode FM applied to slave oscillator.
Slave oscillator's pitch can be tuned.

VCO1 |
VCO2 |
Waveforms |
saw / multisaw / tri / pulse / (mix) pulse + saw |
saw / sin / tri / (mix) pulse + saw / pulse |
Edge smoothing |
up to sinewave |
up to sinewave |
Inner waves |
3 in sync mode |
- |
Rectangular width |
yes |
yes |
Detune |
yes |
yes |
Ringmodulator |
yes |
yes |
Mix volume |
yes |
yes |
VCO sync |
VCO1 > VCO2 |
VCO2 >VCO1 |
Crossmodulation |
- |
AWM2 SYNTHESIS the ROM contains a 8 MB wavetable: 120 drums, noises and percussions sampled at 16 bits resolution.
FILTER digital resonant filter multimode -12/ 18/ 24 dB/ oct slopes and 4 modes:
1- LPF lowpass
2- HPF highpass
3- BPF bandpass
4- BEF band eliminate
Key Track setting determines the key tracking of the VCF, changing the cutoff point in accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.

LFO 2 delayed modulators with variable depth and 5 destinations:
- VCO pitch
- VCF cutoff
- VCA amplitude
- LFO FM depth (slave or master)
- waveform width.
Up to 4 waveform categories: sine (+4 variations), square (+2 variations), saw (+3 variations) and randomish sample-hold (3 variations).

- EG1 FEG VCF filter: 4 segments ADSR
- EG2 VCA amplitude: 4 segments ADSR
Both EG are also assignable to other parameters like: pulse width and pitch.

EFFECTS a digital DSP with delay, reverb, flanger, chorus, phaser and overdrive.
AN200 synthesis features an extra distortion section that adds fuzziness using 3 models: stack, combo, tube + a final stage EQ
PERFORMANCE the machine is multitimbral and manages 1 APM part + 3 AWM parts.
Special synth APM playmodes:
- full polyphonic
twin mode with possible stack voices (also full unison and monophonic play)
In addition 2 special scenes functions: each scence has a sound in memory and then the adjacent pot morphs a sounds toward the other one, interpolating intermediate values.
SEQUENCER up to 4 tracks:
1 for synthesis
3 for drums.
Optimized live functions as backward play, half or double tempo, roll flame, humanize- quantizes, mute track and transpose sequence. Special FREE VOICE EG records up to 4 tracks recorder for knobs movement with a single parameter per track.
SYNC internal tempo range from 20 to 300 BPM or sync to external Midi clock.

256 preset recording patterns
128 user patterns
10 songs.
EDIT display is more than basic and it is impossible to directly program anything deep on it! worst of all the panel lacks many important parameters from original AN synthesis only accessible by a free computer-based editor, still available on the official website.

MAINTENANCE the data encoder often needs cleaning for precise control. Protect it from dust!

An200 VS AN1X : the An200 features half polyphony, the extra Multi SAW wave and some quite useless PCM drum sound kits. Both machines have a similar architecture but they do sound different anyway. I do personally prefer the An1x also for all parameters access from pannel.
Check out AN1X - AN synthesis advanced demos to get an idea of AN power.
Soundcloud AN-200