Roland SL-JD80-05

trend price : 30/50€
Roland SL-JD80-05
Brass Section
Double set of cards for both synthesizer Roland JD-800 or module JD-990.
The set is composed by 2 cards: a data + a wave PCM focused on brass like trumpets.
MEMORY card set contains:
64 new patches (pic1)
14 PCM brass samples (pic2)

PATCHLIST click on linked patch for a mp3 demo:
A-11. Trump's Section1
A-12. Full Brass
A-13. Orchestrail
A-14. Mucho Trumpstabs
A-15. Breathy Fluegal
A-16. Tongued Trumpet
A-17. Classical Trumpt
A-18. Harmon Trumpet
A-21. Big Bad Trombs
A-22. Solo Trumpet<x4>
A-23. Solo Trumpet 5th
A-24. Studio Trombone
A-25. Multiple Bones
A-26. Bones'n Brass
A-27. Harmon Bones
A-28. Solo Trumpet 2 |
A-31. Orchestra Bones
A-32. Sax Appeal
A-33. Army Brass
A-34. Mute Trmpt Solo
A-35. The Flugels
A-36. Tuba Life
A-37. Pressure sfz
A-38. Brass Fanfare
A-41. Melo Section
A-42. Ellingtonion
A-43. Crescendo Ensmbl
A-44. Dyno-Trumpet
A-45. Grammy Brass
A-46. Backward Weather
A-47. Stab Back
A-48. Jazz Fluegar |
A-51. Utopia Comp
A-52. Vox Wisps
A-53. Poxx' Gate
A-54. The Mu-Tran
A-55. Voodoo Keeper
A-56. Metal Hybrid
A-57. Harmon Ambience
A-58. A Bright World
A-61. Klipp Saxx
A-62. Lush Bed
A-63. Steam Valve
A-64. Ethnic Strife
A-65. Fake Angels
A-66. Sub-Digital
A-67. St.Andrew's
A-68. Play Delay |
A-71. Slophaze Brass
A-72. Litter Pick
A-73. Sweep Light
A-74. Funky Touch
A-75. Digitlana Hybrid
A-76. Interstellar OD
A-77. Ethnic Sparkle
A-78. Comper Man
A-81. Subtle JD
A-82. Wet Saw House
A-83. Blo Outback
A-84. Brass Stepwash
A-85. Himarks
A-86. Passing
A-87. Samplestack Braz
A-88. Jacobs Ladder |
WAVETABLE LIST the patchlist uses many waveforms from the PCM and it is absolutely needed to make it works.
01 Tp Sect
02 Tb/Tp Sect
03 LoSax Sect
04 Solo Tp 1
05 Solo Tp 2
06 Solo Tp 3
07 Fat Tp mf |
08 Fat Tp ff
09 Solo Tb mf
10 Solo Tb ff
11 SoloFlugel
12 HarmonMut1
13 HarmonMut2
14 HarmonMut3 |

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JD brochure (4mb)
all snapshots*, sounds, texts copyright / Eric Pochesci
* brochure and merchandising items found on Ebay.
* jd800 custom pic by
Roland SL-JD80-05 2.5 out of 5 based on 21 ratings.
price €50