Roland SL-JD80-02

trend price : 50€
Roland SL-JD80-02
Drums and percussions "Dance"
Double set of cards for both synthesizer Roland JD-800 or module JD-990.
The set is composed by 2 cards: a data + a wave PCM focused on 90' dance drums.
MEMORY card set contains:
64 new patches (pic1)
56 PCM one-shot drum percussions

PATCHLIST you can hear some demo clinking on linked patches:
A-11. Pedal Funk Bass1
A-12. Oddball Organ
A-13. Anvil Clav
A-14. Polysynth Wet
A-15. Flying High!
A-16. Tambo Vox
A-17. San Jose Synth
A-18. Shoot M Up! DD
A-21. Synth Funk Bass1
A-22. Rotary Organ
A-23. Marimba 1
A-24. Polyrezinklik
A-25. Heavens Gate*
A-26. Shimm Pad 1
A-27. Some Place Else
A-28. Vanish 1 |
A-31. Hybrid Bass 1
A-32. Amp Organ
A-33. Congo Xylo DD
A-34. Pulse Strings
A-35. Gamelan Dreams
A-36. Oooh Pole 1
A-37. Vibratious
A-38. Bendoid Crash
A-41. Mo Funk Bass
A-42. Spectrum Rhodes
A-43. Band Keys 1
A-44. French Syn Horns
A-45. Crystal Logs
A-46. Padness
A-47. Come Closer!
A-48. Alien Toms |
A-51. Fusion Solo 2
A-52. Plunky Tines
A-53. DynoReso-Strat
A-54. Wow Bubble
A-55. Reverso Clav
A-56. Shaku Strings
A-57. Stack Attack 2
A-58. Alien Claves
A-61. Ooh No!Solo
A-62. Comp'n Strat
A-63. Wash-Out!
A-64. Analog Pad
A-65. Pressure Scraper
A-66. Time 2 Move On
A-67. Pluck Rhodes 1
A-68. Metallic Maracas |
A-71. All Prpose
A-72. African Bells
A-73. Boing'n Clav
A-74. Saxpipes
A-75. Harpo Harmo
A-76. Early Wave Pad
A-77. Airless
A-78. Resonant Bap
A-81. Shaku Lead
A-82. Pizza To Go?
A-83. "Betrayed"
A-84. Brass Section
A-85. Agogo Pad
A-86. Flando Vox
A-87. Prep Piano 1
A-88. InverseTambocow! |
WAVETABLE LIST the patchlist does not use much sounds from the card, all of these samples are mainly used for the drum kits. Some of the samples are ispired from famous drum machine Roland TR-808 and TR-909.
01 808 K Shrt
02 808 K Long
03 909 Kick
04 Smash Kick
05 Bryt Kick
06 Tekno Kick
07 Industry K
08 Mach Kick
09 Butt Kick
10 Gate Kick
11 Mondo Kick
12 808 Rim
13 808 SN
14 909 SN
15 CR78 SN
16 Attack SN
17 Splat SN
18 90's SN |
19 Dance Sn1
20 Dance SN 2
21 Hip Hop SN
22 Video SN
23 Rap SN
24 House SN
25 Swing SN
26 Combo SN
27 Disco SN
28 606 Tom 1
29 606 Tom 2
30 Boosh Tom
31 Blast Tom
32 E Tom
33 Rim Tom 1
34 Rim Tom 2
35 Rim Tom 3
36 Rim Tom 4
37 808 CHH 1
38 808 CHH 2
39 Whistle
40 Cowbell 2
41 Block 2
42 Maraca
43 Cabasa Up
44 CabasaDown
45 Tambourin
46 Slap Cga
47 Mute Cga 1
48 Mute Cga 2
49 Hi Conga
50 Lo Conga
51 Hi Bongo
52 Lo Bongo
53 Timabale
54 Chekere 55- snapes 56tamburi |

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JD brochure (4mb)
all snapshots*, sounds, texts copyright / Eric Pochesci
* brochure and merchandising items found on Ebay.
* jd800 custom pic by
Roland SL-JD80-02 2.5 out of 5 based on 21 ratings.
price €50