VOICE CPU Intel MCS-51 P8032AH manages up to 6 voices polyphony.
Each voice has an assigned DCO oscillator based on custom Roland IC MB87123PG and each DCO is composed 2 summable waveforms + 1 sub oscillator + 1 noise generator:

wave |
Harmonic variations: |
Level |
width: |
range: |
pulse |
3 |
- |
yes (3rd shape) |
4' 8' 16' 32' |
saw |
5 |
- |
yes (3rd shape) |
4' 8' 16' 32' |
suboscillator |
5 |
yes |
- |
1 / 2 oct below |
white noise |
0 |
yes |
- |
- |
HEAR waveforms all pulses
HEAR suboscillators waves
HEAR pulse width
HEAR sawtooth width |
FILTERFILTER multimode VCF based on 6 X IR3R05 IC (also VCA), the VCF also provides a 15-levels keytracking system.
LFO a single delayed modulator and 2 destinations with individual depth values:
LFO to DCO pitch
LFO to DCO VCF filter.
HEAR LFO all shapes |
ENVELOPE a single 4-stages + 3 time levels with polarity inversion EG-
In addition the VCA provides a 15-levels keytracking system
- DCO pitch
VCF filter cutoff
- VCA amplitude with special gate mode |
PERFORMANCE monotimbric synth with some special functions:
- octave transpose keyboard
- portamento
- chord mode learn (it outputs Midi)
- bender range 1 octave setting
- key transpose
15 aftertouch levels (by Midi IN) assignable to VCF / DCO / VCA. |
EFFECT section features an analog stereo chorus based on MN3101 + MN3009 IC like Juno-60 or Jx-3p with adjustable rate
HEAR chorus mode on/off
64 ROM presets
64 RAM slots.
Sounds must be saved to magnetic tape or Midi exclusives data dump

ABOVE: BATTERY REPLACEMENT - change lithium battery model CR-2032 soldered to the mainboard.
EDIT main panel lacks many real-time commands, but there are many computer software or it is possible to use the dedicated optional programmer model PG-300.
VST AU Alpha JUNO Editor (MAC-PC / $$) PIC
Midiquest (MAC-PC / $$) PIC
MKS-50 (Atari ST / now freeware ) PIC
- Alpha BASE (PC / free) PIC
- Alpha Juno Control (MAC / free)
Alpha Juno 1 same as HS10 with different case. |
Alpha Juno 2 5 octave velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard |
HS-80 consumer version of alpha Juno2 |
MKS-50 rack unit with some enhancements like detuning, Portamento and a double RAM memory. |
PG-300 programmer compatible with all the JUNO series. |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: