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Behringer Td-3

Analog Bass Line Synthesizer (2019)

behringer TD3

"Another clone of the legendary  Roland TB303, this time by famous budget german company " 


Only produced from 1981 to 1984, the Roland TB-303 was a tremendous commercial flop as a replacement for the bass guitar... ohh you know that crappy story...  Uli behringer once more decided to "homage" cult machine with ultra-affordable cheap clone boasting a pure analog signal path, 16-step Sequencer and authentic VCO, VCF and VCA filters. Classic mono oscillator with Saw Down or  Square,  up to 16 units can be chained (what for?).  Also a  4-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut-off, resonance, envelope, decay and accent controls ; VCF can process external sources.

behringer models
The tD3 comes in 3 models based colors with same specs td3 bu, td3 rd and td sr

TD3 New features

Behringer add some new features like a Distortion circuitry modeled after the DS-1 from Boss. Also both MIDI and USB implementation with MIDI channel and Voice Priority selection , a neat arpeggiator and an easier 16-step sequencer with 7 tracks, each with 250 user patterns.
TD3 rear

Technical Data

-Monophonic saw or pulse VCO
-Poly-chaining of up to 16 units
-4-Pole low-pass filter with resonance 
-Adjustable accent 
-Integrated distortion based on DS1 
-16-Step sequencer with 250 pattern 
-Sync In & CV/gate outputs 
-Stereo headphone  + jack out 
-PSU 9 V DC 
-dimensions 56 x 305 x 165 mm 
-Weight: 0,8kg

behringer acid crew

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Audio demo and video 

Behringer TD3 Behringer TD3
56 out of 100 based on 1 user ratings
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