volume gain set
up to + 6db gain
Company: Akai / LINN
Country: USA / JAPAN
Weight: 10,5 Kg
Dimensions: 495 (w) x 127 (h) x 471 (d) mm
trend price : 1200€
Class: sampler
Pads: 16 dynamic
Dates: 1991
Display: LCD 240 x 64
Resolution: 12 bits
Sampling rate: 40 kHz
Polyphony: 16 voices
Filter: none
LFO: none
Envelope: 1 EG A-D
Sequencer: 16 tracks
Sync: Midi, SMPTE, trigger
Swing: 50-75%
Memory: 750 Kb
Storage: 720Kb FD
CPU: intel 80186
Latest OS: 3.10 OS Originally early OS cannot handle samples longer than 5 seconds, but this limit has been removed with latest OS 3.10, as well as mono sampling adding a special "pseudo stereo mode" albeit the MPC hardware is of course still monophonic.
ALTERNATIVE OS the VIMANA 3.15 is a special OS developped by third-part with different functions. It can be changed swapping 4 EPROMS. We do not tested it, so we have NO INFORMATION about this one.
main panel features a 240 x 64 pixels LCD backlit display (with contrast trimmer) which can be tilt, 16 velocity sensitive pads, a volume knob, a data encoder, a slider, 56 buttons and a 720 kB DD disk drive.
Rear panel terminal connectors:
- stereo main analog outs+ 8 separate outs + 2 send returns
- balanced signal input (switch between HI/MED/LOW gain)
- 2 Midi inputs (with merge option) + 4 Midi ouputs
- Metronome out
- headphones out
- 2 assignable foot switches
- Sync I/O with level trimmer.
- RS-232C connector (factory not activated, can it be removed to install optional Marion SCSI board)
FACTORY RESET PROCEDURE : Special TEST DISK is AVAILABLE somewhere to check out:
1. DAC Trim
2. ADC Monitor
3. CPU RAM test
4. Battery CDAM test
5. Sound Memory test
Nothing for now
- owner 's manual (3.10 OS)
- no original service manual for MPC MK2, you can use the one from mk1 which is basically 99% the same.
Scegli tra la vasta selezione di blocchi già pronti più recenti: intro a tutto schermo, caroselli immagini di bootstrap, Slider dei contenuti, galleria di immagini responsive con lightbox, parallax-scrolling, sfondi video, menu hamburger, intestazioni fisse e altro ancora.
SAMPLER the main core based is an Intel 8-bits 80186 which manages 16 channels polyphony; DAC is a Burr Brown PCM54HP and ADC is a PCM77P.
Internal sampling engine is based on a 12 bits which recording frequency range is fixed to 40 kHz. Sound edit system includes some sample edit functions:
-DAC is a Burr Brown PCM54HP
-ADC is a Burr Brow PCM77P
-monoponic sampling
up to + 6db gain
range from -12 to +6 semitones
a mini EG for amplitude with Attack + Decay segments
- mono / poly / gated sample play modes
with coarse of fine search
Assign 2 or 3 samples to a single pad with possible velocity switch threshold.
Each track can be assigned to internal sounds or external Midi channel (it also handles exclusive systems).
A special TOOL (FREE) for 3.1 allows to convert MPC sequences to standard SMF Midi files,
Sequencer wing mode from 50 to 75%. This spice up the grooves!
Correction tempo can be set to 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T,1/32 , 1/32
Change signature, loopmode, solo mode, overdub, punch IN, shift offset, tempo change, erase and copy.
Each pad can be assigned to a different MIDI note for external triggering and some basic Control changes.
SYNC SYNC internal tempo range from 30 to 300 BPM can slave-synched to:
- external Midi clock
- external trigger
- tape FSK24
750kB sampling memory, doubled if optional memory board EXM003 (or equivalent MUTECH DMC-04). Companded mod doubles sample time with quality loss (only for 3.10)
8 programs, each contains 16 sounds per bank / up to 4 banks.
- 128 sounds (only 34 for OS lower than 3.1)
- 20 songs
- 99 sequences
- 99 tracks
- max 60000 events
Data can be saved to floppy 720Kb drive or special 793 Kb format (unrealiable effects on PC). Optional SCSI is available, typical is Iomega zip or Hard disk
- expensive
- no filter
- no LFO modulation
-limited memory
- cult classic
- intuitive sequencer
- plastic case