SOUND core is a Motorola 68000 CPU manages 32 voices polyphony at 16 bits 39 KHz sampling rate, there are 6 X 16 bits DACS AD1860 (analog devices).
A basic patch is composed by 1 or 2 waveforms Primary + Secondary with some edit controls including:
sample start offset
- tuning
reverse mode
start delay.

WAVETABLE internal 8 MB ROM contains 249 PCM at 16-bits based on vintage synthesizers such as Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Hammond, Prophet, Minimoog D, ARP Odyssey, Mellotron, Oberheim but also some acoustic shots and drum samples; most of the samples were imported from classic Emulator III sound libraries.

UPGRADE the PLUS OPTION is a non-standard SIMM (model: 9055) can be installed into the dedicated slot doubling the ROM samples to extra 8 MB (means + 185 new samples).
Latest Vintage Keys modules (number 9056) were directly released as PLUS standard with a specific logo script and includes these new sounds: Dyno Rhodes, Yamaha DX7 FM Electric Pianos, Emulator II, Emulator III, Sequential Circuits, Oberheim, Roland analog synths, ARP analog synths, Emu SP-1200, Boss DR55, Roland TR808, Chapman Stick, Fender P-Bass and Electric Sitar.
PERFORMANCE up to 16 parts with some control parameters:
individual Midi channel
panning stereo
- pitch tune
volume mix.
- EG1 primary amplitude: 5-segments AHDSR
EG2 secondary amplitude : 5-segments AHDSR
EG3 AHDSR is assignable by control matrix to various parameters such as filter or pitch.
AHDSR stands for attack, hold, decay, sustain and release.

LFO 2 delayed digital modulators:
- LFO 1: osc pitch
- LFO 2: VCA.
Both LFO have some structure inluding 5 waveforms with variable symmetry (triangle, sine, square, sawtooth and random) and key retrig function.
FILTER structure is based on 3 ASIC chips: the primary and secondary OSC features an individual digital resonant filter lowpass at 2 / 4 poles configuration.

EFFECTS none, except the CHORUS parameter but it is a voice trick channels, halving polyphony.
MAINTENANCE 2 common issues:
ENCODER: after some times the encoder may go berserk just clean it with Q-tip and dedicated liquid product.
- DISPLAY: is not uncommon to split dead black zones on the display.
- RAM: 256 patches
- ROM: 256 presets.
Battery replacemen: RAM works with a 3V lithium battery model Br-2340 set in a plastic holder, but I managed to fit a more common BR-2325.

RELATED FAMILY there is a LOT of confusion between "vintage" models:

- Classic keys: budget version with cheaper board, some effects but no filter (means no cool sweep pads). Not recommanded!
- Emu vintage pro: many years later the vintage keys has been updated with "PRO" with brand new 32 mb wavetable and Z-plane filters . Far better!
- Emu Vintage Keys: Keys version of Vintage PRO, 32mb ROM. |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION the vintage keys has many classic instruments, many have a VST free plugin versions: