VOICE core DSP manages a total of 16 voices polyphony.
A basic KS patch is composed by 3 detunable and crossmodulable oscillators at 4 octave heights; digital sound engine is hybrid and features 2 synthesis family generators :
analog modeling V.A
- wavetable PCM
* ANALOG MODELING internal DSP generates 7 basic waveforms:
saw, pulse with variable width, triangle ,
hypersaw with special "doublemode" and
noises (3 different colors/variations)
* WAVETABLE PCM ther inernal wavetable ROM contains 24 PCM waveforms organized into 2 families:
- oneshot percussions (X15)
- cycled harmonics waves (X9) from electromechanical and electronic piano instruments e.g Hammond organ, Rhodes, Clavinet and Wurlitzer.
PERFORMANCE polyphony can be assigned to up to 4 parts with some individual functions:
part volume
split zones
pitch tuning
- indipendent
Midi channels assign
- 2 polyphonic modes
special monophonic mode glide portamento.
- oscillators unison.
Hear factory performance demo
LFO up to 2 delayed modulators (from 0 Hz to 1 KHz range).
Both bipolar modulators feature 6 shapes (sinewave, triangle, saw, square, sample & hold and random) with variable offset.
- LFO 1 modulates oscillators pitch
LFO 2 modulates filter cutoff
Hear LFO
ENVELOPE 2 EGs based on a 4-segments ADSR structure:
EG1 is hardwired to amplitude
EG2 is freely assignable to pulse width, cutoff, oscillator pitch or amplitude. |
FILTER digital resonant filter with 2 or 4 poles slope and 4 modes
TIP: external signal can be filtered.
- lowpass
- highpass
- bandpass
- overdrive (saturates the filter)
Hear Lowpass
EFFECTS digital DSP manages 7 effects: reverb, distortion, chorus / phaser, panning, 16-bands vocoder and EQ.
- ROM 200 programs + 50 performances +100 drum sounds
- RAM 200 programs + 100 drum programs+ 50 performances
Sound can be saved to Midi exclusives dump.
ARPEGGIATOR a single arp for each soundsound and up to 4 in performance mode.
The broken chords system can be set at different gate velocity and octaves range with various pattern styles like up-down, random and chord mode, last but not least, the arpeggiator can be programmed step by step in 32 programmable available slots.
SYNC both arpeggiators and LFO function can be slaves to external Midi clock tempo at variable dividers rates like 8th, bars or dotted.
Hear arpeggiator |
KS4 4 octaves keyboard version
KS5 5 octaves keyboard version |
KStation portable 8 voices with same KS engine |
XStation updated Kstation with internal audio board USB and some extra waves. 3 version 25 / 49 / 61 keys- Also a more portable version XIOSYNTH
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION free and commercial samples set and plugins: