TECH 16 bits HD6413003F (H8/3003 family) + DSP56362 manage 8 voices polyphony and 2 syntheses:
- basic FM a basic FM process inspired from DX principle: a single modulates another to produce a resultant more harmonically complex waveform. OSC 2 is able to FM OSC 3 using a dedicated FM envelope.
VA modeling subtractive synthesis (main synthesis)
STRUCTURE a voice is composed by 3 oscillators:
OSC1 |
OSC2 |
OSC3 |
waveforms |
tri / saw / sine / pulse |
like osc1 |
like osc1 |
pulse width |
yes |
yes |
yes |
hardsync |
1>2 |
1 > 2 |
- |
phase attack |
yes |
yes |
yes |
random drift |
yes |
yes |
yes |
ringmodulator |
yes |
yes |
yes |
PERFORMANCE some special playmodes:
- unison: stacks up to 8 voices with mono glide+ detune
- drift: simulates an analog VCO drift
- mono: 2 modes with different priorities
- portamento: linear or exponential
- noise: add a white noise
aftertouch: can be assigned to pitch, filter or modulator freq
breath: can be assigned to pitch, filter or modulator freq
- vibrato: can be assigned to pitch, filter or modulator freq
- polymode: with or without note stealing
option. |
FILTER digital Lowpass resonant filter with 2 / 4 poles configuration and overdrive saturation.
Filter can process also external sources + Keytrack function.
HEAR external source filtering |
- EG modulation: 4-segments with retrigger mode
- EG amplitude: 4-segments with retrigger mode
- EG FM: attack, decay, EG velocity and depth. |
LFO up to 2 syncable (34 dividers) delayed modulators (4 shapes with variable phase attack: sine, square, saw, sample and hold. )
- LFO1: modulates osc pitches (each depth is individual)
- LFO2: modulates filter and pulse width
HEAR sample and hold-filter |
ARPEGGIATOR a 4 octaves engine, with variable gate time, latch mode and 16 sync-time dividers. 6 patterns: up, down, random, up-down1, up-down2 and lastnote (the arpeggio plays the last note played in sequence).
SYNC quite all parameters can be synched together to Midi clock with various dividers rate. Engine also transmit notes to other compliant Midi machines.
HEAR arpeggiator
MIDI all parameters can be controlled by Midi CC#, in addition a full sysex protocol is implemented for both edit and data storage dump.
EFFECTS DSP offers various editable effects:
- delay: with feedback, tempo sync and dividers
- reverb: 6 models
with variable decay
- distortion
- equalizer
- chorus: with variable width, rate, feedback and 34 tempo dividers
- panning: with motion rate, start position and sync 34 dividers
- vocoder: 12 bands and use internal OSC as carrier with sibilance control (highpass or noise)  |
200 ROM sounds
200 RAM sounds
- LEFT - Astation motherboard
- Click to enlarge picture - |
- Midiquest (win/mac commercial)
- novation astation editor (win, commercial)
- Novation astation control (VST, freeware)
- Novation A-Station Editor Luigi Bianchi PIC |

Bass station, analog machine exists in both:
Novation Supernova I / II - top notch Nova synthesis VA |
K- Station rack - updated version with some extra PCM wavetable section. |