Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer (1984)
KEYBOARD 61 keys, main panel features a basic segment display, 20 levers, 2 knobs, 3 switches and 34 buttons, on the left side there is a joystick for pitchbending or modulation assignable to filter cutoff. The juno 106 has been released in a rare version with internal speakers the Juno-106S a module version the MKS7, a consumer home edition HS-60 synthplus and later a digital module in limited edition Ju-06 boutique; not to mention A LOT of VST plugins and sample pack.
1- master pitch tuner trimmer
2- TAPE I/O for saving loading patches
3- pedaswitch input for program UP
4- Sustain pedal input
5- headphones out
6- Main out (stereo for chorus effect)
7- signal out impedance switch High, Med and Low
EFFECT chorus is based on BBD chips (2 X MN3101 + 2 X MN3009) and 2 presets.
MEMORY MEMORY 128 patch RAM, sounds patches can be saved / load either by Midi exclusive dump or tape player.
Battery replacement: a BR-2325 lithium battery soldered to the mainboard / J-106 TEST MODE : turn on the synth with the KEY-TRANSPOSE pressed- testmode is useful to discover a faulty voice.
MIDI the J-106 offers one of the most impressive Midi implementation for the time: in fact all sliders sends and receive Midi exclusives systems! a big advantage to the father Juno60 however the 106 lost the precious arpeggiator.