SYNTHESIS The Bode 16 Vocoder offers 16 patchable bands ranging from 50 to 5,080 Hz for optimal encoding of the fundamental spectral characteristics of the human voice. In addition, a selectable DIRECT mode passes an additional high frequency channel (above 5,080 Hz) to the vocoder output for better degree of vocal intelligibility.
Sample & Hold pressing this function, the tonal characteristics of that sound will be held until the switch is returned to the out position. This function is particularly useful in creating sustained vocal phrases without pausing for breath and can be controlled via remote footswitch.
Hiss, Buzz, and Balance Selectable Hiss (sibilance), Buzz (plosive), and Balance controls allow you to fine tune the fundamental details of aelectronic voice. features six shapes (sinewave, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, random, smooth random), frequency can be slaved to midi clock with variable time dividers. Also special retrig mode of free flown. Destinations can be set freely also to matrix modulation
PATCHBAY it is possible to patch the vocoder with other analog gear, allowing you to select any frequency range of the Program and impose those characteristics upon any frequency range of the Carrier.