Abstrakt Instruments Avalon

Price: 1000€ / manual / schematics (2015)

Abstrakt Instruments

Overview and synthesis

Overview Desktop clone of Roland tb303 famous mono bassliner boasting to incorporates layout and parts from the original bassline, including carbon film resistors, united chemi-con electrolytic capacitors, poly foil film capacitors, original IC's, and sanyo/on semi & mitsubishi transistors with some new features,

Oscillator classic Saw & Square Range at  5 Octaves with a new suboscillator (shapes: saw, triangle and square -1 or 2 octaves below the master) keeping of course same sliding mode. 

Envelope 3 EGs: filter (3 stages), Modulation (4 stages) and VCA (single stage).

The avalon exists is 3 colors: black, white and silver. Special edition with blue leds 

Filter and expansion

FILTER The is analog and can be changed with optional cartridge:
•  Ladder Filter  This filter is based on the Minimoog ladder filter and includes 24dB lowpass and bandpass modes. 
• SEM State Variable Filter  from Oberheim SEM filter. Includes state variable lowpass-notch-highpass and bandpass modes. 
• OTA Low Pass Filter is  based on the classic Roland OTA design used in several of the classic SH and JP-series synths. Includes 12dB and 24dB Lowpass modes. 
• 4075 Low Pass Filter   design of the Arp 4075 low pass filter and includes 12dB & 24dB modes. 
• Wasp Multimode surface mount version of the Wasp 12dB multimode filter.

Arpeggiator,  sequencer and memory

ARPEGGIATOR buit-in with external midi sync or DIN SYNC
SEQUENCER Avalon keeps same orginal Tb303 programming mode with pitch and time mode, but adds easier mode for recording using the 16 steps for patterns (up to 4 can be chained up to 64 steps). It is possible to add random mode, slide, skip note, reverse play and special shuffle mode.

MEMORY 448 Patterns and 56 songs can be saved by midi or directly USB


Abstrakt instruments Avalon Technical Data


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