Huge Iconic son of the PPG wave with a LOT of controls and beautiful sound! propbably the most advanced wavetable synths ever built with analog filter
LFO 2 LFOs per voice that can be synchronized to midi clock with later OS
FILTER there are two basedon CEM 3379 a 24dB low pass + 12dB high pass with resonance, distortion and self oscillation. Filters can either be connected in series or parallel.
A lot of good stuff inside:
waldorf voice board : 16 x AD 7545 D / A converter
16 x CEM PD508 multiplexer / Sample and HOLD
16 x CEM 3387 VCF / VCA
16 x SSM 2024 Quad current controlled amp
2 x Motorola 68000 16 MHz CPU
2 x Waldorf custom ASICs
It is incredible as wave seems even more still impressive even than the more modern flagship QUANTUM!
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