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Waldorf Microwave XT

Digital wavetable module (1998)

Digital version of cult Microwave module, enhanced Microwave 2 with more pots controls

waldorf microwave XT


OVERVIEW 5 rack units Orange outfit (also special black one, pictured below) with a 2 x 40 character display, backlighted, classic red data encoder and 40 hands-on knobs buttons and 4 knobs changing relative parameters on the screen (All of the knobs transmit MIDI information)  A true heaven for programming!

- Waldorf microwave XT Keyboard : same with keyboard... nowayyy
- Waldorf microwave 2: same engine in a rackmount with less controllers

Terminal connectors:
- Midi Interface 
- main signal out
- 2 aux out 
- analog input
- Power supply is external PSU with 12V AC/DC -(+ polarity 900mA
waldorf microwave xt internal


OSCILLATORS Polyphony :10 voice (expandable to 30) , synthesis based on 2 oscillators per voice (with sync and FM) of DSP wavetable.  Famous PPG Wavetable synthesis is the ability to sequence through a table of different waveforms during the duration of a single note, internal ROM features 64 preset wavetables  (64 Waves per Wavetable)+ 32 user-programmable wavetable. 

ENVELOPE 8-level Wave-Envelope with loop + 4-level Free-Envelope

LFO 2 modulators (syncable to MIDI-Clock) shapes: sine, triangle, square, random, S&H

FILTER there are 10 digital models including 24dB and 12dB Lowpass MOOG, Sine Waveshaper, 6/12/24 LP/HP, FM Filter, Sin (x)-LP, Dual Lowpass/Bandpass , Band Stop.

Effect , arpeggiator and memory

EFFECTS Effects: Chorus, Flanger 1 & 2, Autowah BP, Autowah LP, Overdrive, Delay, Amp Mod. Sounds... bad.

ARPEGGIATOR rogrammable Arpeggiator(Can be synced to MIDI-Clock)

MEMORY 64 to 256 user patches and from 64 to 128 performance patches. Sound can be saved only by midi sysex.
MW2 have a special import for MW1 patch but they do need a tweak.

Black version

Waldorf Microwave XT Specifications

Model: microwave XT
Polyphony - 10 voices (can be xpanded to 10)
Oscillators - 2 oscillators per voice 
Synthsis: DSP wavetable synthesis (65 preset wavetables, 32 user wavetables); Osc-sync; FM; 1 Ring Mod; 1 Noise Source

Memory - 256 user patches, 128 performance patches
Filter - 10 digital filter models (12/24dB, LP, BP, HP, Notch, waveshaper, bit-reduction, dual BP). Additional in-series 6dB LP or HP filter with keytracking.
VCA - 1 VCA, VCA ADSR, 1 Free Envelope
LFO - 2 LFO's, sine, tri, square, random, S&H

Effects - Chorus, Flanger 1 & 2, Autowah BP, Autowah LP, Overdrive, Delay (only on lated rev), 
Arpeg/Seq - Programmable rhythmic arpeggiator syncable to MIDI clock

Frequency range: 5Hz...20kHz
SNR: 100dB

dimensions: 483mm X 223mm x102 mm
weight: 4,5 kg

polynominal.com is not associated with waldorf in any manner

microwave xt...and Marcel the Cat 

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WALDORF microwave XT Waldorf
enhanced microwave 2 version. 123456789 1234567890123
71 out of 100 based on 31 user ratings
600 to 900 from 1 sellers Sellers:
Product description: a lot of knobs! great pads and edit. Customer reviews:
Cool machine, not a ppg, but sounds nice, today maybe a plugin is more powerful - by , April 1, 2009
4/ 5stars