VOICE monophonic synthesizer based on a single oscillator.
STRUCTURE: progressive waveform ("MIX" knob number 2 pic below) from saw to square (like Minimoog Voyager or RSF KOBOL) with variable rectangular width (PWM knob number 3) and and a global tuning up to 7 semitones range (TUNE knob number 1).

FILTER resonant analog filter lowpass mode at -24dB good sounding with a medium lack of bass bottom at high resonance (2).
VCF processes external signals at line impedance.

ENVELOPE a single EG VCA features a 3-segments ADR.
oscillator is triggered with internal EG or incoming GATE signal by the lateral switch on the right. TIP: the special bassline emulation includes glide mode (by CC#) and accent mode when velocity reaches at least 120.

LFO a single modulator (shapes: triangle, saw-up, square, random, noise, stepped and saw-down) and 2 destinations:
1- VCF cutoff
2- VCO pitch.
ARPEGGIATOR / SEQUENCER some preset patterns and limited parameters like octave heights range and latch mode- speed rate is determined by the relative LFO frequency or synched to external Midi clock with 16 different time dividers.
Special mode LFO WHEEL function activates a very fun 8 steps sequencer.
MIDI system responds to a few Midi CC# like glide and arpeggios functions, here's the list.
Soundcloud Eowave Domino