Wersi Bass Synthesizer AP-6 (Baß)

trend price : 200-300€ |
Wersi Bass
Synthesizer AP-6 (1978)
A vintage
monophonic synthesizer from Wersi, famous German organ producer.
The original name contains a German character"ß" also sold in a special kit version.

KEYBOARD (weight: ?) 37 keys with tolex suitcase.
Main panel features 10 knobs, 22 push buttons and 2 sliders for performance play.
Back panel terminal connectors:
master tune knob
main jack output at variable impedances
custom 12 pins connector for Wersi damp pedal.
VOICE monophonic subtractive synthesis features 1 oscillator.
The main sound is the "Guitar Bass" features volume control and damp pedal option.
WAVEFORM the main guitar bass can be mixed with 3 others basic waveforms.
Here's the waveforms details:
Octaves |
8' + 16 ' |
8' |
16'+ 8' + 4' + 2' + 1' |
Variable width |
- |
- |
- |
Volume mix |
yes |
yes |
yes |
- EG1 2 segments AD for sinewave register
- EG2
Bass guitar same as EG1 sinewave decay segment
- EG3 filter (same EG1 structure).
FILTER non-resonant VCF just -6 dB /Oct. slope.
Manual VCF cutoff or routing (AUTO) to a single sinewave LFO modulator ROTOR with variable speed.
LFO 2 modulators LFO:
1- LFO VCF modulation called "ROTOR"
2- LFO VCA vibrato with adjustable depth and 2 fixed frequencies NORMAL or SLOW.
PERFORMANCE the 2 sliders for performance play:
wahwah filter modulation amount
2- hawaii tab gliding note amount
Just a basic demo, we sold this machine a long time ago. If you wanto to send yours, just upload them :)



- cool suitcase
- rare

- limited

REVIEW "Pretty basic and limited, but it does not mean you cannot get fun out of it! it is not a Minimoog, for me it is totally overpriced, mainly for the cool case". |
all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright Polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
wersi bass synthesizer 2.0 out of 5 based on 15 ratings.
price €200