VOICE up to 24 voices polyphony which hardware is based on Yamaha YM chips:
- 4 oscillators operators
8 connection diagram algorithms (LIST DIAGRAM).

FM SYNTHESIS concept is close to 4OP Yamaha TX-81Z concept but with only sinewave and thus no harmonic variations.
are 4 sinewave operators organized as algorithms, assigned as carrier
or modulator linked between them on different
pathways interacting on their harmonic contents depending on the
variable feedback strength.
- carrier: defines the amplitude and the spectral frequency
- modulator: sets the sound timbre and the relative harmonic contents.
The module offers 8 algorithms with frequency ratio or fixed frequency: the output is fed back to its input with 7 different levels feedback, as general rule: high values feedback results in richer harmonic contents.
LFO 2 delayed modulators with variable depth amount and 2 destinations:
LFO amplitude
LFO pitch.
ENVELOPE up to 5 EGs:
- 1 EG for each OP: 4 segments +1 sustain time
1 EG pitch and 7 preset templates
- EG scaling tracking amplitude on lower or higher octaves.
PERFORMANCE up to 16 parts with some functions:
monophonic mode with glide option
voices stack
- detune mode.
EFFECT internal analog chorus based on BBD TDA 1022.
MEMORY machines exists in 2 different OS versions (ROM sets):
- 1 bank of 100 patches
2 banks
of 100patches.
MIDI implementation responds to Midi System Exclusives dump.

EDITOR not much around:
UNIMAN for Atari ST (pic below):
Bohm Dynamic DSE-24 Original German version... the same. |
ORLA DSE-9 seems to be a half rack module. Still with 4 OP structure
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION nothing directly related to Orla or Bohm, but galore of free FM VST and commercial samples set:
Böhm 12/24 synthesizer |