Akai ME10D

trend price : 30-50€ |
Akai Me10D
Midi Digital Delay (1986)
Rackmount Midi delay rack from Akai, the famous hardware samplers designer. It simply repeats 1 Midi note with variable velocity and octave.

RACKMOUNT (weights:1,8 Kg) single unit.
Front panel features 6 buttons and 2 knobs for edit.
Back panel connectors:
Midi input
- Midi output
- Midi thru.
(left picture from wikipedia)
MIDI this unit does not produce any sound: it simply processes incoming Midi IN signal to Midi OUT adding a single echo note. Repeated Midi note can be set a in a time range from 0 to 1 seconds at 3 different octave heights:

The DYNAMIC knobs set Midi velocity in a range threshold from 50 to 100%.

sampled 60% velocity
Related models:
ME15F -MIDI Dynamics Controller
8 channel Midi velocity mixer
ME20A programmable apreggiator with record and velocity gate. No sync! VIDEO DEMO |


NO DEMO: the machine does not produce any sounds. |


- easy to use
-really cheap

- limited

REVIEW "ME10D is really limited : Midi echo system exists on any sequencers since dawn of time and is surely more efficient. Maybe for some live gigs..."

all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright Polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
akai me10d 1.5 out of 5 based on 46 ratings.
price €30