Ibanez AD-9

trend price : 150€ |
Ibanez AD-9 (1980)
The original vintage analog delay which features a 300 ms time effect. Ibanez made a re-issues still analog but redrawn from scratch with different integrated circuits, in other words: this review is based on the original model from 1981, identical to the prior Maxon version,

PEDAL main panel features 3 knobs, a bypass switch and a diode LED signals power AC.
Terminal connectors:
- mono signal input
- wet output
- mixed output
Power supply is an external 9v DC with negative center or a 9V battery
SOUND delay circuit is based on a Panasonic MN3205 and MN3102 BBD bucket brigade.
MEMORY a delay time range from 10 ms up to a maximum of 300 ms.
CONTROL sound can be dramatically changed using the 3 knobs functions:
1- DELAY TIME turning clockwise increases the delay time
2- DELAY LEVEL control for delay signal from 100% dry to 100% wet mixing
3- REPEAT controls the amount of delay signal feedback. On slapback delays REPEAT determines the number of repeats, on shorter delays REPEAT varies the coloration of the sound adjustable from no feedback to oscillation or infinite repeats and that means psycho sound saturations.



- simple
- warm warm sound

- short time
- few controls

REVIEW "Not a long time delay and a bit low-fi bandwidth but warm and "round" sounds make this a great analog delay at reasonable price"
all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright Polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
Ibanez Ad9 vintage edition 4 out of 5 based on 8 ratings.
price €200