Electro Harmonix Polyphase

trend price : 200€ |
Electro Harmonix Polyphase EH7100B
Phase shift with envelope control (1976)
Analog pedal guitar effect from the seventies. It is basically a phaser with envelope follower on the filter
OVERVIEW traditional EHX metal solid shaped box with direct AC power chord, later reissues have external PSU.
Back panel terminal connectors:
sound mode selector switch
audio input
dry out
- effect out
SOUND basically the polyphase is a 6-stages phaser working with 2 particular main modes:
- standard phaser
driven by EG following process
First mode uses the internal LFO for a really sweepy and marvelous spatial sound very harmonic and a present EQ, and best of all, it doe not eat up all the sound bandwidth. The Envelope EG mode is gated by guitar peak and retrig the amount of phasing.
FUNCTIONS Main panel has a frontal footswitch bypass and 5 frontal knobs for sound edit:
- Feedback adjusts the resonance balancing between a more pronounced sound and dry
- Mod Rate changes the LFO frequency speed
- Env Sens sets the Envelope follower threshold
- Env Modulation sets the modulation amount for envelope following process

Stereo polyphase a modern remake with some new features like LFO wavefor, pedal input for expression control VIDEO

- GREAT sound
- 2 modes

- rare
today price

REVIEW "THE Original EHX sound. Raw and full harmonics sound without any digital frills."
all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright Polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
harmonix polyphase 4.5 out of 5 based on 29 ratings.
price €200