VOICE system based on a CPU Z80 ZILOG manages 6 voices polyphony.
The channels offers individual gain mix and pitch tuning.

WAVETABLE there are 18 sounds (including dynamic variations) on various EPROM memories coded at 8 bits with a companded compression.
SOUND LIST: kick (x3), snare (x3), hihats (x3), tom (x3), cymbal (x3), shaker (x2) and handclaps.

EPROM (ABOVE) can be easily removed and replaced by other sounds (accepted from 2 to maximum 32 kb) still available around the net, or get a PROMMER and burn your own samples.
EDIT INTERFACE very similar to previous DMX model but limited display won't help.

SEQUENCER 2 recording modes:
step mode.
Classic array of edit functions: insert, punch IN/OUT, copy, replace, delete and some grooving options like
quantizes, swing and flames.

SYNC internal clock from 25 to 250 BPM or can be
synched to other devices in 3 ways:
pulses at 24/48 or 96 PPQ
2- sync tape
3- Midi clock (if interface is present).

MIDI latest DX production came with MIDI factory implementation, however some third-part companies offers some modification boards for this purpose.
Saved patterns can be DMX compatible depending on the machine OS.

- 50 sequences lenght 1-99 bars
100 patterns
13200 notes
Data can be saved either to TAPE dump or MIDI SYSEX if relative interface is implemented.
MAINTENANCE most common issue is the pad contact which may need a simple good cleaning.


DX VS DMX The DX mainboard has been redesigned from previous model: the original DMX removable card boards (similar to OB-XA synth) system has been replaced by a unique simpler voiceboard. A major improvements from the older sister is the external pitch trimmers now easily accessible from the back panel.
DMX father of the DX - each voice has a dedicated board channel. DX sounds are a bit different from classic DMX.

Stretch optional - this rare boards add 4 new voices and Midi options. It connects on the left side.
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set. but no official VST plugin.