The dd14 is a portable drum pad all made out of good Japanese plastic, with internal lofi PCM sounds.
Sample pack contains 79 samples
🎧 Format: 16 bits/ 44 kHz
✪ Also includes a .SF2 (soundfont) versions which can be easily converted to other format like kontakt.
♪ original factory songs included
🎁 Price: FREE!
Yamaha DD-14 SOUND LIST:
Agogo Hi | | Snare (X5)
Agogo Lo | | Snare 3
Applause | | Snare 4 (Reverb)
Auto Harp C6 | E. Tom 1 Hi |
Bass Drum (X4) | E. Tom 1 Lo | Sound Effect (x6)
Cuica Lo | E. Tom 1 Mid. |
Dog | E. Tom 2 |
Dropping Coin | Finger Snap |
Bell Tree | Four |
Bells C6 | Glockenspiel C7 |
Buzzer | Guiro (Long) | Splash Cymbal
Cabasa | Guiro (Short) | Steel Drum C6
Car Horn | Guitar C4 | Synth Hit C6
Cat | Guitar C5 | Tambourine
Celesta C6 | Hand Claps | Three
Claves | Jungle | Timbale Hi
Click | Lion | Timbale Lo
Closed Hi-Hat 1 | Marimba C6 | Timpani C4
Closed Hi-Hat 2 | One | Tom Hi
Conga Hi | Open Hi-Hat 1 | Tom Lo
Conga Lo | Open Hi-Hat 2 | Tom Mid.
Conga Mute | Orchestra Hit C6 | Two
Cowbell | Ride Cup | Vibes C6
Crash Cymbal | Ride Cymbal | Water
Cross Sticks | Rim Shot | Woo
Cuica Hi | Scratch | Xylophone C7
■The dd14 is a portable drum pad all made out of good Japanese plastic ! With very typical design, it features 8 pads with adjustable sensitivity, numeric display and internal stereo speakers (i f you want to know: 3W RMS 8 Ohm). Also a special "scraper pad" for a kind of ribbon scratching effects, quite similar on the sampler Yamaha SU-10.
■Basically it's a rompler with 24 ROM sets + 5 RAM users. Each set memorize which sound is assigned to 1 of the 75 available sounds,mainly percussive sounds but also musical ones like marimba. No, It is NOT possible to add sound nor modify them, you can maybe circuit bent it for your nerdy pleasure.
■The Yamaha Arranger contains 100 ROM styles to play with, with auto bass function , variation and fill-ins.
It can be synched to external Midi clock. Special Chord Memory has 2 entry modes:
▫ Real-time quantized record where each pad and combination acts as a key/chord variation (Maj, Min, 7th, Min 7th, Major 7th, 7sus4, m7-5, dim)
▫ Step record mode where you can enter a chord, specify how long it will last, then go on to the next one
■Brand: Yamaha
Model: DD14
Type: digital drum pad with PCM samples
Made In :Japan
Date Produced: 1993
1- foot pedal input
2- Midi OUT
3- Midi IN
4- Headphones out
5- PSU (10/12VDC with positive center)
The drumpad came with a pair of percussion stick and a foot pedal.
■Number of Pads: 8
Polyphony: 28 notes
Preset Drumkits: 25
User Drumkits: 5
Sounds: 84 patches
■Dimensions 608 mm x 281 mm x 105 mm
Weight 2.2 kg
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