TECH main core based on CMOS 8 bits CPU HD63701Y0P which manages 8 channels polyphony. Each TR626 voice has a sample assigned from 4 different ROM banks (rompler) with some channel-shared restrictions e.g: you cannot play SNARE 1 and SNARE 2 at the same time.
The sample edit is limited to 2 parameters:
pitch tuning (7 semitones range)
mix volume |
WAVETABLE internal ROM (at IC15) UPD23 contains 30 PCM waves at 8 bits resolution and 25 kHz sampling rate.

PCM are mainly sampled from acoustic drums and organized in 16 categories: kick, timbale, hihats, cup, snare, crash, cowbell, handclap, tomtom, cymbals, tambourines, claves, rimshot, ride, agogo and shaker.
Hear all waves
SEQUENCER recording patterns is similar to Roland TR-707 system with some dit options e.g flame, accent, swing and shuffle an d 2 recording modes: realtime or step.
SYNC internal tempo range from 40 to 240 BPM or slave-synched to:
external Midi clock
tape sync protocol.
TECH: SYNC 24 is no more implemented in 626, however the trigger out is always handy to sync other drum box or synth arpeggiator.
Hear a synched sequence |
MIDI sounds can be assigned to a specific MIDI note and triggered dynamically (limited to 6 levels) by Midi devices, but no other special controls or CC#.
48 ROM patterns
48 RAM patterns
6 songs (maximum of 999 steps)
RAM is tripled using Roland M-128D card, usually cheaper than m256D used by Roland D-50 or JD-800.
Patterns and songs can be also saved to Midi sysex dump or
using the obsolete tape interface.
LEFT - Battery replacement soldered CR 2032 3V - thanks to Marco Moreno Graziano for pic
click to enlarge |
MODIFICATION a common operation modding for TR-626 is the circuit bending: bent points are often modular of activated by levers.

UP -If you like stretched glitches sounds this could be a nice job for your machine. Our special circuit bent TR626 (now sold) |

gallery of BENT BURNKIT 2600 |

Tr-505 is the cut-down features brother.
Even more compact, the 505 features less sounds, less sequencer functions, no more separate outs and no samples tuning options.
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: