STEREO CHORUS a single LFO (triangle or sinusoidal) with variable phase and orientation between left and right channel can be selected.
STEREO 3D CHORUS same as previous with some extra 3D RSS controls like azimuth height orientation (speakers must be placed in specific positioning).
3D PANNER the sound movess around the listener, also based on RSS technology
SPACE CHORUS an emulation of the vintage classic effect SDD320 dimension D.
2-BANDS CHORUS composed by low band (LFO1 tri sin) + hi-band (LFO2 tri sin).
Each modulator has individual rate and depth on the frequencies that can be split between 400Hz-4kHz (crossover frequency).
3-BANDS CHORUS created by low band (LFO1 tri sin) + middle Band (LFO2 tri sin) hi-band (LFO3 tri sin) also here modulators are independent. Two Crossover points frequencies at 100Hz-1kHz and 800Hz-8kHz band.

4-BANDS CHORUS 4 bands, 4 LFO: low+low middle+high middle+hi bands.
Obviously 3 crossover points frequencies at 100Hz-1kHz, 400Hz-4kHz and 800Hz-8kHz
STEREO 8 PHASE CHORUS8 independent LFO (frequency/phase/depth) modulators with 2 possible waveforms: sinewave and triangle.
16-PHASES CHORUS features no less than 16 LFOs, however these cannot be controlled one by one,but macro-edited using 6 different presets chaining modes.
DETUNE CHORUS based on 6 real-time pitch-shifter engines; each digital shifter can be set at pitch/panning/level parameters.
ENSEMBLE based on 2 independent LFOs for each input + EQ. 6 different mode presets.
WAVE CHORUS 6 LFO at same time with advanced waveforms: Sin/Tri/Exp/ocw1/ocw2/ocw3

VINTAGE CHORUSemulation of traditional analogue chorus model.
STEREO FLANGER emulation of standard flanger effect composed by a single LFO with variable depth, frequency and 5 different shapes (tri/sin/exp/ofw1/ofw2)
ROTARY emulation of a Leslie with classic doppler effect including rotor+horn speed, brake emulation and frequency speed.

AMBIENCE CHORUS a special ambient chorus based on modulators followed by a special lowpass Filter (or highpass mode) + a final stage EQ.