VOICE analog monophonic module based on subtractive synthesis.
a voice is composed by 2 (quite) identical oscillators + 1 sub oscillator + 1 white noise.

DCO1 |
DCO2 |
waveforms |
saw / pulse |
saw / pulse |
square |
pulse width |
yes |
yes |
- |
detune |
- |
yes |
octave set |
- |
16' 8' 4' 2' |
1 oct. below DCO1 |
hardsync |
- |
2 > 1 |
- |
PERFORMANCE some special playmode functions:
- knobs transmits recordable control changes
- adjustable portamento
- autoglide legato for a kind of TB-303 "twang" effect
- single / multi / poly triggering: restarts the EG1 or free flown mode
- EG bias assignable to breath controller or aftertouch pressure
- LFO rate and depth can be assigned to aftertouch, breath or Midi CC#
- polyphonic mode chains various basstation units for voices spillover
- SYNC some parameteres like LFO, pan, arpeggiator, chorus can be synched internally to driven by external Midi clock at 18 time dividers.
FILTER resonant lowpass filter at 2 / 4 poles slope.
TIP: External line sources can be VCF filtered (no gain control) only if EG is engaged.

ENVELOPE 2 identical 4-segments EGs:
- EG1 is hardwired to amplitude
- EG2 can be assigned to filter cutoff or pulse width.
Tip: the external audio signal can be set at a threshold to trigger the EG.

LFO up to 2 delayed and bipolar modulators (shapes: saw, triangle, square and random) and 5 destinations:
- VCF cutoff
- DCO1/2 pitch
- DCO1/2 pulse width
- chorus speed
- stereo panning movement.

CV unit can be controlled by external tension from vintage synths or modulars.
The module acts also as a handy Midi->Cv converter with many options:
1V/Oct. scale e.g Roland SH-09
- Hz/V scale e.g: Korg MS-20
Strigger option e.g: Moog Minimoog D
dual trigger polarity inversion.

ARPEGGIATOR up to 4 octaves range, latch mode and 4 patterns: up, down, updown1 and
TECH: The broken chords are Midi transmitted, in addition arpeggio can be sync to clock frequency.
EFFECT there are 3 analog FX onboard:
- filter distortion 99 different saturation stages- it is more a kind of "fuzzer"
- stereo chorus with depth and 8 preset modes, including special Roland Juno-60 emulation - based on BBD MN3209 + MN3102.
- stereo panning motion control.

MIDI all synthesis parameters can be controlled by Midi CC#.
- 50 ROM patches
- 150 RAM patches
Sounds can be loaded and saved by Midi Sysex dump implementation which is also full
backward compatible with previous Bass Station models.

Bass station keyboard less memory, no display, no osc sync, no cv gate, no external filter process, no arpeggiator, no effects, miss 1 LFO waveform, only 1 LFO. The most basic of the series.
Bass station rack less memory, no osc sync, no external filter process, no arpeggiator, no effects, miss 1 LFO waveform- only 1 LFO. |
Bass Station II a kind of reboot from 2013 but it is a different machine. |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: