

Solton SM-100 (198?)

Solton SM-100

Trend price : 200€

The SM-100 is the module version of Italian polysynth PROJECT 100 minus the internal multitrack sequencer.

SYNTH MODULE Main panel features a basic segment display, 3 knobs and 18 push buttons. The bulky case is non-standard format cannot be rackmounted
Rear panel terminal connectors:
- main signal out
- Midi interface
- damper pedalswitch input
- tape interface (for sound storage).

Voice 6 voices polyphony- each voice is composed by 2 digitally controller oscillators DCO1 + DCO2 on 6 voice boards.
- DCO1: square / sawtooth / wide pulse / pulse (variable width)
- DCO2 (detunable) : square / sawtooth / wide pulse / pulse(variable width) / noise

a lowpass 4 poles resonant filter based on 6 X SSM 2045 IC with fixed keytracking option.

a single delayed modulator (sine or square) with variable amount and frequency.
3 destinations:
1- DCO pitch
2- VCF cutoff
3- VCA level.

up to 2 EG per voice based on 12 X SSM 2056 IC.
- EG1 AMP 4 segments ADSR
- EG2 VCF 4 segments ADSR.

analog chorus based on a 3 line BBD TDA 1022P.

in edit mode it is possible to edit all parameters USER-patches using CONTROL CHANGE.
The list is printed on the machine and it is not very standard - this is indeed a very nice feature, sadly, the Midi buffer quickly chokes freezing the whole machine.

- 60 ROM preset
- 40 USER-free presets.
Sounds can be saved to magnetic tape.

Audio demo:

Video Clip:

video clip

OK: -rare- control change edit -12 DCO
NOT : - sounds thin- bulky- edit interface - Midi crashes -limited
"well nice, vintage, rare... OK a lot of SSM - so? but sound is nothing so special for my taste - a kind of poly61 but much more esoteric. Love the chorus."



Text , review, special demos copyright polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
