Trend price : 200€
Updated Bass Station Rack with major enhancements: more memory a sub-oscillator, extra LFO white noise circuits and ring modulation between DCOs and much more.
RACKMOUNT (weight: 2 Kg) 1 unit. Main panel features a segment display, 27 knobs, 14 buttons and 10 switchtabs.
Terminal connectors:
Midi interface
main out
line signal input
CV gate I/O
- headphones
analog monophonic module based on subtractive synthesis. A voice is composed by 2 identical DCO oscillators + 1 sub oscillator + 1 white noise
DCO1: saw/pulse (variable width)
DCO2: same as DCO1
SUB: square
- knobs transmits recordable control changes
- adjustable portamento
- autoglide legato for a kind of TB-303 "twang" effect
- single / multi / poly triggering: restarts the EG1 or free flown mode
- EG bias assignable to breath controller or aftertouch pressure
- LFO rate and depth can be assigned to aftertouch, breath or Midi CC#
- polyphonic mode chains various basstation units for voices spillover
resonant lowpass filter at 2 or 4 poles slope. External line sources can be VCF filtered (no gain control) if EG is engaged..
2 delayed modulators (saw, triangle, square and random) with Midi sync and 5 destinations:
- VCF cutoff
- DCO1-2 pitch
- DCO1-2 pulse width
- chorus speed
- pan movement
- EG1 is hardwired to amplitude
- EG2 can be assigned to filter cutoff or pulse width
4 octaves range, latch mode and 4 patterns with Midi sync
- filter distortion
- stereo chorus
- stereo pan motion
- 50 ROM patches
- 150 RAM patches
Audio demo:
OK: CV gate / new features: sub, ring
NOT : display / edit
"The best bass station from the first series with many enhancements: If you like the sound, the SUPER version is well-worth a try"
Text , review, special demos copyright / Eric Pochesci