

Boss Dr-110 (1983)

Boss Dr-110

Trend price : 100-150€

The second model from the budget Boss / Roland series Dr. Rhythm analog machine, mainly famous for the previous model DR-55.

(weight: 0.5 Kg) The main panel features a liquid crystal display, 4 knobs, 13 rubber buttons, 6 trigger pads (no velocity).
Terminal connectors:
- mono out
- headphones
- trigger out (+6V 10ms)

Unit manages up to 6 analog sounds: kick, snare, cymbal, hihat (x2) and claps. The DR sound reminds closely the TR-606: a bit metallic and compressed - but pretty good.

no knobs for sound tweaking, except for a simple volume balancing between:
- kick / snare / clap
- cymbal / HH

12 or 16 steps and 3/4 or 4/4 time signature, dots-triplets and ACCENT function that emphasises level (amplitude + filter) on a particular step.
The Dr box handles 2 notes entry modes:
- step by step: use the grid mode and select the instruments.
- realtime: use the TAP button to record.

the tempo can be set internally in a range from 45 to 300 BMP but it cannot be slaved to any other devices. The TRIG OUT can be used to tempo-slave some synthesizers arpeggiators (Roland Juno-60).

there are dozens of moddings that have been created in the last 20 years:
it includes basic sync interface, Midi triggering and monstrous boxes controls with hundreds of pots.

- 16 RAM patterns
- 16 ROM presets
- 2 Songs up to 128 measures each.
RAM is non-volatile if batteries are fitted.

Audio demo:

Video Clip:

video clip

OK: analog / compact
NOT : sync / no tweak / no toms
" Dr110 is a bit limited, but nice sound! it's a pocket-sizes piece of vintage gear. Maybe a classic of tomorrow."



Text , review, special demos copyright polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
