VOICE main core INTEL 8/16 bits 8088 at 8 MHz clock features 18 voices polyphony, each voice has an assigned 8 bits companded PCM sample from various EPROMS standard.
The main board features a total of 14 slots for sound cards and expansions. The original setup has 8 factory cards fitted adds a total of 18 separate analog outs + 6 trigger inputs
WAVE The internal sounds are sampled at 8 bit with variable frequencies between 11 and 37 kHz and stored on EPROM (27128/2764) and split in several voice cards which have different circuit design.
Sample list: kick,snare, hithat, toms (x4), congas (x2), cymbals (x2), standard cymbals, cowbell, claps, tambourine, sidestick and splash cymbal.
Each assigned samples features individual voice setting: -
volume gain
panning position
pitch tuning
samples can be changed in 2 ways:
swapping or burning new EPROM
sampling using optional board (8-bit / 40kHz) with a basic memory of 64 Kb (expandable).
-All sliders movements can be recorded in real-time and hihats features a special slider for real-time control of the decay. The repeat function is used for synched snare drum rolls.
-TRIGGER 6 voices can be assigned to external trigger signal (+5V pulses) with adjustable dividers , 6 extra can be added installing an optional card.
-Also 2 trigger outs to drive other machines or sync synth arpeggiators.

SEQUENCER there are 2 kind of sequencer in the LINN 9000 sharing same edit commands:
- keyboard recorder polyphonically records 32 tracks on 16 Midi channels
- drum sequencer records 999 bars in step mode or real-time, quantification from 1/8 to up to 32 triple with variable time signature and swing variations.
SYNC internal frequency range from 48 to 250 BPM at 48 PPQ or
slaved to other compliant devices


up to 999 bars
31000 notes (7000 synth + 24000 drum) can be also expanded.
Sequences and recorded samples can be saved to optional 3"5 drives or tape storage.
Click to enlarge view and spot battery
MAINTENANCE one the most unreliable and buggy machine ever mad: in fact this ground-breaking and expensive project litteraly bankrupted the Linn company. It is hard to list all possible issues, but the most common and dangerous is still the battery-backup leakage and the electrolytic capacitors from internal PSU -- did you say it smells like fried chicken?

LINN 9000 example of corrosion
(click to zoom- pic by TOPOPICCIONE)

Phiphong PSA-523BU - also famous mind blowing Oberheim DPX1 weirdo sample player - click to zoom IN pic.
Output +5V DC 5A/6A Peak Yellow
+12V DC2,5A/3,5A Peak Red
-12VDC 0,5 A BR
Check out Rifa film capacitors 250V 0,1 µ F / 271 M 610
OS on 27128 OS dump- picture below

Linndrum 9000 original - there were different color releases and some modifications to the display.
Linn drum LM1 - the Linn legend started in 1980 |

Linn drum lm2- maybe the most famous LINN of the series released in 1982
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set:
no resource |
n/A |
- LINN9000 FS:
access to Linn9000 image files and devices (FREE - LINK)