Standard Osc
Virtual analog emulation of traditional analog synthesis based on DSP basic waveforms: sawtooth, triangle and rectangular with variable width.
Comb filter Osc is a comb generated filter, feedback loop with lowpass filter that extracts harmonics contents out of a white noise.
VPM frequency modulation based on simple 2OP Operators structure modulated by waveshaping process: a waveform amplitude distortion that alters the harmonic spectrum contents, previously implemented 01W synthesizer.
Modulation Osc is a classic modulation processor able to create ring modulator, frequency sync and crossmodulation between oscillators.
Acoustic physical modeling (APM)
Acoustic instruments physical recreation characteristics like air pressure into reed or brass instruments with variable sound articulations and expressions controls.This physical modeling generates 3 submodels: pluck, reed and brass.
APM Pluck Osc an ihnarmonic generation of plucked waves like guitar of bass models. Typical parameters are: pluck attack intensity, based on finger to plectrum, bridge simulation with variable inharmonic contents.
APM Reed model emulates reed instruments characteristics e.g air pressure, noise and modulation or breath. 13 reed templates ready to go including oboe, saxophone and recorder.
APM Brass model offers 3 main parameters definitions:
- Pressure defines the breath strength
- Lip simulates the lips tension on the instruments changing the sound color.
- Bell attenuates the tone signal, like muted brass instruments.
LFO up to 4 delayed digital modulators, frequency range from 0 to 60 Hz also syncable to external Midi clock like sequencer or drum machines. A vast array of 26 LFOs shapes with variable start phase offset.
FILTER features 2 identical filters at -12d/B octave combined in both serial or parallel way.
Each filter can be set to a 1 of 3 filter modes:
lowpass/ highpass /bandpass and reject.
prophecy cat by Traxlermusicofficial
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