Average Price: 500€ / manual / schematics (1974)
KEYBOARD a 44 notes F1 - C4 Non-weighted,
Plastic classic synt with wood sides, lacking pitchbend/modwheels.
The 800 structure is quite interesting with duplicate lower and
upper part and blu -red - yellow pots, in fact it's quite like
having a double770 with a single
keyboard. Note: the 800dv is also called "Maxi-Korg 800DV"
OSCILLATOR The 800dv was the first duophonic
synthesizer made in Japan with 2 identical VCOs:
- VCO1: octaves 64', 32', 16', 8', 4', 2', shapes triangle, saw,
square, pulse, pulse width modulable, pink noise and white noise
- VCO2: like VCO1
Both OSCs can be injected into the ring modulator for weird
metallic sounds, not to mention an handy pulse suboscillator (32'
/ 2') which widath can be modulated by a LFO.