VOICE core
based on PIC16F887 - 8-bit PIC Microcontroller
manages 1 channel polyphony.
A single VCO generates Kicks (also kind of toms and
basses). Jomox claimed that the bass drum VCO and the
sound production are 100% identical to the XBase09,
XBASE999 and the AirBase99 but with different value
Once created, the sound can be played in 3 ways:
- Midi (channel can be set)
- external analog trigger
- pushing the "play" button.
generated sound can be modified choosing a parameter per
- TUNE controls its pitch EG amount on
VCO for warping
- PITCH overall tuning: starting from
rumbling 10 Hz
- DECAY controls the generated EG
decay up to a long time of 2 seconds
- HARMONICS adds harmonics to the
sinewave with some distortions
- PULSE (attack) add a square impulse
to the attack for click
- NOISE (attack) adds some white noise
- METZNE (metallized noise) changes
the noise of the noise generator to a metallic noise.
- ATTACK ratio of added pulse and
noise attack to the sine
- EQ simple lowpass filter attenuates
high frequency
- VOLUME sets the main gain
- COMPRESSION adds dynamic compression
- GATE TIME sound can be gated from
0,1 to 16 ms.
PERFORMANCE using Midi triggering it
is possible to choose different playmodes:
- Split mode 1: the sound is played only by C1 keys
- Split mode 2: the sound is played on all keyboard with
pitch variations
- Pitch mode: chromatic play on 3 octaves.
- MIDI all parameters can be controlled by Midi Control
Changes. LIST

LFO a single modulator with possibile
polarity inversion (shapes: saw up, saw down, sine
up/down, triangle up/down and rectangle up/down)
assigned to VCO PITCH.
The LFO frequency can be synched to Midi clock
or manually set in a 41-290 BPM range.

- 100 flash ROM sounds
- 10 RAM user sounds.
Created sounds can be dumped to Midi exclusives system.

Jomox Mbase 11 guts
some computer-based editor are handy:
- CTRLR (free)
- Editoral MBase11 Editor (win/mac $$$)


Percussion Synthesizer for snare/percussion
production VIDEO
previous model lacks parameters like Compression,
Gate and Metallizer VIDEO |