VOICE main core 16 bits M37702 CPU manages up to 32 voices polyphony based on digital VASE synthesis multi samples structure. Organ harmonic tonebars emulation can be summed on variable harmonics values for a total of 253000000 possible combinations.
DRAWBARS the 9 drawbars are numbered from softer (1) to louder (8) and organized into 3 categories (sub, foundation and brilliance) and 3 colors:
white are the fundamentals octaves
black are the dissonant harmonics
3- the 2
brown are respectively 1 octave lower of the 8' drawbar and 3rd harmonic of five tones above the fundamental.

WAVEFORM the basic sine wave can be set to different modes into the drawbar voice mode:
- B3 TYPE: emulates the classic b3 system
- MELLOW: purest sine-wav
- BRITE: a variation of sinewav with some extra frequencies

ENVELOPE of course a CLICK can be added to the drawbars (4 different levels) and the advanced attack features it is possible to change the ATTACK segment as well as SUSTAIN.
PERFORMANCE manages 3 assignable parts :
UM upper manual
- LM lower manual
- PL pedal keyboard.

EFFECTS : here are 4 kinds of digital effects:
1- reverb: 4 presets including Room, Live, Church and Hall
2- vibrato / chorus : 3 + 3 modes
3- overdrive: 15 levels of sound saturation
4- leslie: internal DSP emulator Twin Rotor Digital features 10 different configurations including many famous cabinet emulations including models 147, 710, 825, 122- of course it can be set to traditional frequency SLOW or FAST and stopped by the BRAKE function.
It is also possible to define the RPM (round per minute) speed and the rise fall time during acceleration and deceleration, in addition there are parameters to set 2 virtual microphones positioning and distance.
MIDI standard implementation and some nice adds: aftertouch and modulation CC#1 can be assigned to note bending, slow/fast Leslie or overdrive engage mode.
FULL Sysex dump to save sounds.
100 ROM patches
- 28 RAM patches.


Hammond Xm2 - updated version with even more power