EDP Wasp

Country: UK
Dimensions: |
trend price : 1000€ |
EDP Electronic
Dream Emplant Wasp (1978)
Portable analog synthesizer (but digital oscillator) similar to Electro harmonix Mini-Synthesizer or EMS synthi.
Fun plastic analog machine with great design made in the UK (Oxford) during the seventies.
SYNTHESIZER keyboard 25 keys is is based on conductivity generated by fingers. The main panel features a small speaker, 18 knobs and 5 selectors.
Front terminal connectors are:
signal line out
headphones out
7 DINS used to link other units to the synthesizer like the SPIDER sequencer which is not compatible with standard Midi system.
Power supply is a 9V external PSU or 6 X 1m5V batteries-
STRUCTURE monophonic structure: 2 digital oscillators based on a master 250 kHz oscillator and 2 timer NE-555.

OSCILLATOR description:
OSC1 |
OSC2 |
octaves |
32' 16' 8' 4' 2' |
32' 16' 8' 4' 2' |
waveforms |
saw / pulse |
saw / pulse |
variable pulse width |
yes |
- |
detune |
- |
12 semitones |
volume mixer |
- |
- |
PERFORMANCE 2 main functions:

blend knobs allow the keyboard's tuning while master tune can be set on the frontal trimmer
glide function set the portamento time for special legato play.
LFO a single bipolar modulator (shapes: sine, saw up, saw down, square, noise and random) and 2 destinations:

- LFO to
VCF cutoff
LFO to OSC1 & 2 pitch
FILTER VCF is resonant (but not self-oscillating) and features 3 modes:

ENVELOPE 2 EGs share same 3-segments ADS structure:

- EG1 VCA amplitude
- EG2 VCF cutoff
Sustain stages can be set also to REPEAT mode which engage the EG repeat function. |

the keyboard is highly unreliable and often needs overhaul (pictures thanks to TOPOPICCIONE ) click to enlarge

EDP WASP DELUXE more functions, bigger panel and good normal keys, in addition it filters external sources
The GNAT version is a smaller version with just 1 oscillator - quite collectable and sought-after

EDP spider sequencer
holds up to a 252 note by step mode or 84-note in real-time

twice power of a WASP, should be ultra rare
pic from ebay auction |
ELby Design Pixie
a wasp clone
Hornet modular synthesizer
another kind of super clone with AKS design and matrix. |
MW-01 WASP Filter Module
a filter clone by Modmachine |
from an Ebay auction based on schematics by Hurgen Habile. |
WASP filter (pic from DOEPFER website) |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there a free plugin an commercial sample set. We're looking for FREE EDP wasp samples to share here for free (contact) Donation is good for karma!
Company: EDP
Model: Wasp
Class: Synthesizer
Dates: 1978
Display: none
Keyboard: 25 keys membrane
Polyphony: 1 note
Synthesis: Subtractive
Technology: hybrid
Oscillators: 2 OSC
Waveforms: Saw / Square
Noise generator: white
Envelopes: 2 EGs
Filter: 12dB BHP / LPF/ LPF
LFO: 1 modullator
Timbrality: 1 part
Midi: none
Effect: none
Memory: none
PSU: batteries, 9V VDC
IC: NE555


"Electronic Dream Plant proudly presents the "WASP:' a new concept in synthesiser design. For the first time a synthesiser is brought within reach of everyone's pocket. " |
all snapshots*, sounds, texts copyright Polynominal.com polynominal.com is not associated or affiliated with EDP in any manner.
* but wasp deluxe + EDP spider
, stinger / shirt from Ebay auction, live and day picture cover EDP wasp, Filter module by modmachine from website,
EDP wasp
72 out of 100 based on 1 user ratings
500 to 1000 from 1 sellers