Commodore Amiga filter test

Commodore AMIGA
This simple test will compare some samples recorded straight from an amiga 500 with filter enabled and disabled.
FOREWORD the AMIGA sound processor is "PAULA" MOS8364 which is able to generate 4 PCM voices at 8 bits resolution with a frequency rate up to 27/28 kHz.

The Paula ouputs are chained to a static analog 2-poles Butterworth low-pass filter for the whole 4 channels with an attenuation about 7000 Hz.
Amiga fixed LPF can be deactivated by software (in this case the red LED turns OFF or dimes depending on Amiga model).
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TEST A just recorderded a Roland TR808 analog drum machine with an amiga 500:
TEST B playing a piano sample from soundtracker library on 3 octaves, first with filter on then disabled.
TEST C just alternating the filter on the soundtrack from Shadow of the Beast II by Psygnosis
all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright
Commodore Amiga Paula filter 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
price €10