7X7-TR8 Drum machine expansion

trend price : 75€ |
Drum Expansion 7X7 for TR-8 (2014)
The 7x7 is a software sexpansion for the Roland TR-8 drum machine adding sounds from classic digital drum machine TR-707 and TR-727 with also some new upgrades to TR-808 and TR-909 kits
VOICE this upgrade adds new set of sounds (30) based on Circuit behavior.
The TR-8 will be updated will following sounds:
tr707 |
tr727 |
tr808 |
tr909 |
Bass Drum (2)
Snare Drum (2)
Tom (3)
Rim Shot/Cowbell
Crash Cymbal
Ride Cymbal |
Bongo (2)
Conga (3)
Timbale (2)
Whistle (2)
Agogo (2)
Star Chime |
attack kick
noise tom (3)
attack kick
snare attack
EDIT original 707 and 727 machines feature 6 and 8 bits samples here reproduced re-sampled and modeled to TR8 engines.
It is now possible to tune and set the decay of each instruments.

SEQUENCER also some new programming functions:
- 8 tr909 flam
- Tr707 accent
FREE SAMPLE PACK : original 707 and 727 sample pack download


To buy the 7x7 plugout you have to connect to ROLAND website or buy a download ticket.


-too expensive for a some old samples

"nice upgrade... bit pricey - but 707 samples are anywhere. Maybe a 606 would have been a wiser choise? The 7x7 is for Tr8 fans only.."
texts copyright Polynominal.com / Eric Pochesci
pictures and sounds by Roland corporation
Roland 7x7-tr8 3 out of 9 based on 9 ratings.
price €75