VOICE the synthesizer features 2 oscillators VCO (with crossmodulation) that can be played either in MONOPHONIC mode or independently in DUOPHONIC one. Both VCOs can be set at different volume gain and mixed with a white noise generator and external filtered signal input.
for some strange reason the glide mode only affects VCO1 .
PIC: Polivoks waveform on vacuum oscilloscope.

VCO1 |
VCO2 |
gain |
yes |
yes |
octaves |
32' 16' 8' 4' 2' |
32' 16' 8' 4' 2' |
detune |
master tune |
yes |
shapes |
tri / saw/ sqr / pulse1 / pulse2 |
tri / saw/ sqr / pulse1 / pulse2 |

click on pic for translation
FILTER famous screaming 2-poles resonant filter with contour mode and true aggressive auto-oscillation that can be set to :
- Lowpass
- High pass
click on pic for translation
ENVELOPE 2 main EGS with 4-segments ADSR :
- EG2 VCF.
Both EGS can be switched to
either standard ADSR or to special REPEAT (auto-trigger) mode.
Special GATE - VCA switch for continuous DRONE mode.
click on pic for translation
LFO a single modulator features 4 shapes (triangle, square, samplehold and noise) and 4 destinations:
- VCF cutoff
- VCO1 pitch
- VCO2 pitch
- VCA amplitude.
click on pic for translation
MODIFICATION classic mod is the CV gate INPUT (1V/oct.) which is kind of "easy" or internal MIDI.


New Polivoks - desktop remake clone with midi features VIDEO
Some filter clones for modular.
erica polivoks VCO + VCF, also stompbox acidbox VIDEO
-harvestman polivoks VCF VIDEO |
MUTABLE SHRUTHI - open source project, version with Polivoks filters VIDEO |
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free VST and samples set:
AUDIO DEMO warming! a lot of HIGH FREQUENCIES here: protect your hear and speakers!