MFB Nanozwerg

Country: Germany
Weight: 0,5 kg
Dimensions: 140 x 130 x 35 mm |
trend price : 180€ |
MFB Nanozwerg (2010)
"the General"
Compact analog monophonic synthesizer based on 1 oscillator structure + suboscillator with some nice modular-like CV .
Another affordable product by Manfred Fricke in Berlin.
DESKTOP MODULE main panel features 12 knobs and 9 push buttons.
Rear panel terminal connectors:
CV gate inputs (0-10V range max)
- CV VCF input
- CV AMP input
- CV LFO input and output
- Midi interface
Front panel terminal connectors:
- main signal output
- signal process input
Power supply is a 9V external PSU DC
VOICE Atmel system mananes 1 voice based on a 1 single Oscillator VCO + a suboscilaltor with variable glide portamento time.

VCO1 |
shapes |
tri / saw / rectangle / impuse |
rectangle / noise |
variable rect width |
yes |
n/a |
octaves |
16’ / 8’/ 4’ / 2’ |
1 or 2 oct below VCO |
tuning |
yes 1 oct |
n/a |

Sawtooth on oscilloscope.
FILTER multimode resonant (up to self-oscilaltion) 2 poles filter with contour control - available modes are: lowpass, highpass, notch and bandpass. The VCF can be modulated by classic LFO or VCO VCO (filter-FM). Special cutoff fixed KEYFOLLOW mode in addition external signal can be filtered at line impedance like an external filter box (tip: sequencer mode allow a drone mode without EG engage for filtering).
LFO single modulator and 4 shapes (triangle, saw tooth, rectangle and Sample &
Hold) and 3 destinations:
- VCO pitch
- VCF cutoff
- VCO width

ENVELOPE double bipolar EGs with 4-segments classic ADSR.
EG AMP can be set also to keyboard GATE mode or add a special ACCENT mode.

SEQUENCER simple 4 short internal sequencer with transpose mode.

MICROZWERG the model right above the Nanozwerg VIDEO |
MEGAZWERG middle version of the ZWERG line VIDEO |
KRAFTZWERG bigger and best from the series, first versions with issues, updated to Kraftzwerg MK2 top of the semimodular line VIDEO |



- CV connections

- oscillator raw sound
- flimsy built
- no memory
- limited Midi implementation

REVIEW : "Nice entry level, between synth and modular wannabe. Average oscillator, nice multimode filter - up for CV connections."
all snapshots, sounds, texts copyright / Eric Pochesci
Mfb Nanozwerg 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
price €180