VOICE Main CPU H8S2350 manages 6 voices polyphony (tms5707FFT DSP + DAC AK 4522) each with individual volume, Midi channel and panning position. Voices are allocated between part A and B:
A--> 4 parts VA analog modeling percussion synthesizers
B--> 4 parts PCM samples playback but only 2 voices since hihats and crash are channel-shared.
PART A: ANALOG MODELING section is composed by 4 parts each can be either a sinewave or triangle waveform with a pitch tuning from 20 to 12000 Hz.
A special ring modulation process can be applied between:
part 1 / part 2
- part 4 / audio input
HEAR an analog modeled tom
SAMPLES ROM contains only 4 PCM waveforms:
- channel 1: open/closed hithats or crash cymbal HEAR
- channel 2: handclap HEAR |

ENVELOPE only the DECAY segment can be set for both PCM and VA sections but it also works as a signal gate for external sources process.
HEAR decay range on a kick drum
LFO a single bipolar modulator, relative frequency range between 0.1Hz and 5kHz with variable depth. The LFO features 6 shapes:
- sawtooth
- noise: adds a white noise to the sound, indicated for snare
envelope: is effective for kick drum sound creating
sample and hold: is very indicated for bleeps or analog-like noises
HEAR lfo
TECH: the pitch modulation can be applied only to VA part and not to samples
SEQUENCER classic Roland TR STEP mode for beat programming.
Variable time signature (4/4 or 3/4 or triplet timing) and other functions e.g accent, clear events, copy and swinged mode (humanize).
Special MOTION SEQUENCER records and loops knobs movements then values can be played back as is or interpolated for a smoother sequencer effect.
SYNC internal frequency tempo from 20 to 300 BPM or unit can be slaved to external Midi clock and other Electribes machines.
EFFECT only a cross-feedback digital delay with adjustable feedback rate and sync to tempo mode. Both PCM and modeling V.A can use the special LOW BOOST for more bass EQ gain.
HEAR delay on a snare drum
HEAR low boost on a kick
MIDI every parts (including audio input) are assigned to a Midi note and channel.
The Midi implementation is poor and knobs cannot be recorded by Control Change but only NRPN (Non Registered Parameters).
16 songs
256 patterns (each 64 steps)
35700 recorded events
All data can be saved only to Midi dump process
VST PLUGIN / SAMPLED VERSION there are some free and commercial samples set: