VOICE main SX board is based on two 8-bits INTEL CPU 8031 (master + slave) manage 8 voices polyphony. Each voice is composed by two Digitally controlled oscillators (DCO1 and DCO2) + 1 suboscillator and a dedicated white noise generator.

DCO1 |
DCO2 |
waveforms |
summable saw and square |
square |
square (1 oct below DCO1) |
rectangle width |
yes |
- |
- |
detune |
- |
yes |
- |
ring modulation |
1>2 |
- |
- |
- split mode keyboard into two sounds (voices can be assigned in 2+6 / 4+4 / 6+2)
- dual mode
play two sounds (LOWER+ UPPED) at the time reducing polyphony to 4 voices.
- monophonic mode
- portamento with glissando effect
- chord mode
- bender can be assigned to
standard pitch or filter cutoff.
FILTER multimode resonant filter HPF + 4 poles LPF based on 8 chips SSM 2044.
For some strange reasons, the resonance self-oscillation is abruptly reached from step 98 to 99.

ENVELOPE two main EGs both 4 segments ADSR structure:
- EG1 VCA amplitude
- EG2 VCF filter
EG VCA can be switched to special LFO TRIG (auto-trigger) REPEAT mode driven by LFO frequency (range from 1 to 20 Hz).

LFO a single bipolar delayed modulator (shapes: square, sawtooth and triangle) and 3 destinations:
- DCOs pitches (whole)
- VCF cutoff filter
- DCO1 rectangular width (PWM).
The LFO can be triggered or stopped using the dedicated buttons

FX the internal ENSEMBLE is an analog chorus board, should be based on MN BBD (not sure).
SEQUENCER primitive real-time 1500 notes sequencer it can be synched to external trigger (like Roland TR-606). The Sx240 can be also controlled and sequenced by MIDI, too bad it handles quite nothing but note ON/OFF and for some really stupid reasons: you cannot control the LOWER part by Midi.

- 48 patches (the "tones)
- 8 sequences (each 190 notes max).
Data can be saved only to tap as the Sx240 midi interface does not feature sysex protocol.
Battery replacement: Ni-cad 3.6V rechargeable battery, possible leakage if machine not used for long time.

Soundcloud Kawai SX-240