Formanta EMS-01

EMS-01 is a USSR era made monophonic synthesizer and organ in one unit from 1982

Formanta EMS01


OVERVIEW double keyboard with 37 keys, 61 keys

Terminal connectors:
- DIN out:  1/4" Phone Jack, Mono Out, Stereo Headphone
NOTE: Some models have a factory installed CV IN for external control and also offered a special cable for connectors on the back labelled CONTR IN and CONTR OUT for control of other synths or of the EMS-01 itself.


OSCILLATORS two oscillators with triangle, saw, and square waveforms, noise, ring modulator, and a mixer section.


LFO single modulator with 6 shapes:  noise, sample-and-hold, as well as two types of saw, square and sines. Modulation routing to the VCA, filter, and to trigger the VCA and VCF envelopes the LFO,

EFFECT frequency vibrato with adjustable vibrato delay, decay adjustment and a stereophaser (both for organ and synthesizer). 

 The filter is based on the design of the Polyvoks from same Russian soviet company

Formanta EMS-01 Specifications

Supply voltage AC 220+10V, 50 Hz;
Power consumption within 75 VA;
Operating conditions: temperature 15-35 C, humidity 65%, barometric pressure 86,6 - 106,6 kPa;
Relative frequency deviation after 4 hours of uninterrupted operation within 0,5%;
5-octave organ keyboard;
Organ band from 43,65 Hz (F controctave) to 1318 Hz (E in three-line octave);
3-octave synthesizer keyboard;
Sound range - 9 octaves;
Adjustment range for organ and synthesizer + 6% (+ 0,5 tone);
Minimal range of continuous detuning of oscillator 2 regarding oscillator 1 - 1 octave;
Range of adjustment of filter cutoff frequency 100- 1500 Hz;
Minimal dynamic range - 55 dB;
Weight within 40 kg.
Engineer: Alexander Reunov, designer: Andrey Petukhov, produced by Formanta Katchkanar radio plant.

Type: Analog
Synthesis: Subtractive
Oscillators 2
Waveforms: Pulse Variable, Saw Down, Saw Up, Square
Osc Modulation: Envelope, Fader, Knob, LFO

Envelopes: 1  Paramerters: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release 

Filters  Types: Band Pass, Low Pass 
Filter Modulation: Envelope, Knob, LFO

LFO: 1  Parameters: Noise, Sample & Hold, Saw Up, Saw Down, Sine, Square 

Tuning: Standard
Modes: Mono, Polyphonic
Case: Keyboard
Keyboard: 37 keys, 61 keys
Controls: Modulation - Audio Input, Buttons, Faders, Knobs
Audio Output Connections: 1/4" Phone Jack, Mono Out, Stereo Headphone
Audio Output Count: 1
Audio Output Notes: Stereo out with headphones possible with stereo phaser switched on
Inputs: 1
Power: 75VA
Year Released: 1982

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