STRUCTURE The filter factory is basically split into 4 macro sections:
- Buzz Distortion (1)
- Stereo Filter (2)
modulation (3)
- Mixing section (4)

BUZZ special distortion can be added to the sounds with 2 parameters:
BUZZ is the amount of distortion and
TRIM is the relative gain.

FILTER 2 indipendent resonant filter each with 2 poles (-12dB) each - can be set in multimode:
- low pass at 2 poles
- low pass at 4 poles (mono)
- high pass at 2 poles
- notch at 2 poles
- band pass at 2 poles.
TIP: The frequency cutoff can be controlled also by external CV tension.

LFO a single modulator (shapes: positive sawtooth, negative sawtooth, triangle, square and random) with adjustable depth, 7 beat divisions, syncable to tap tempo or external Midi clock.
Filter modulation can be set also to special Envelope follower mode.

MIXING this section allows final signal settings:
- EFFECT MIX balances between dry and wet
- BYPASS the function speaks for it self (can be assigned to external switchpedal).
MIDI &all functions are mapped to Control Change for complete automation. # FULL LIST
MEMORY It is possible to save a sound configuration using Midi sysex dump since there is no memory for storage.
SYNC: it is possible to sync time to incoming MIDI CLOCK.
Warp factory - a digital formant vocoderr |
MoFX - dedicated to modulation process |
Filter queen slimmed down half rack version of Filter Factory. Also brother EQ KILLER. |
VST PLUGIN there is no official VST plugin, however a lot of VST will do the same job, here's some exemples of both freeware and commercial stuff: